Can diet and natural supplements help high cholesterol?
With total cholesterol at 260 (LDL 154 – HDL 85 – triglycerides 69) can you have an improvement with your diet and possibly natural supplements (garlic – vegetable omega 3)? I specify that I am 68 years old, I weigh 42 kg, I don’t smoke. Is it true that monacolins have the same side effects as statins? Waiting, thank you for your attention.
Health Answers
Good morning. The cholesterol values are not very high, but still to be kept under control. Plant sterols and policosanols reduce cholesterol. A good supplement is fermented red rice (also ask your doctor for advice to be on the safe side). There are also packs with added omega3. In general, all vegetables and whole grains are fine ( Buckwheat , brown rice, pearl barley , oats, millet , wheat germ) and legumes. Minimize or eliminate: bread / pasta (especially white flour), dairy products, too fatty meats and sausages. Nothing goes up. Another factor is to increase HDL (the “good fats”, the omega3s). A good source are seeds and nuts. The best are flax seeds. the ideal is to grind them and add them to the dishes when cooked. .. they also help the intestine. or: organic Sesame seeds, unroasted Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Sunflower. Nuts: almonds (perhaps the best), walnuts, unsalted pistachios, pine nuts. Possibly not toasted.
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