Can Acupuncture Help Treat Sudden Bouts of Furious Rage?
Hi, I was wondering if acupuncture can do a, like, “numbing” action in regards to sudden fits of anger. Thanks in advance. Regards. Cinzia
Health Answers

Acupuncture is very effective in treating sudden attacks of anger, but also in other emotional and mental problems, such as anxiety , depression , nervous tension, panic attacks , insomnia and all forms of psychophysical stress … read my written article regarding this issue. Best regards

positive contribution of acupuncture sessions in a context where, however, the main psychological and emotional problems have been investigated and addressed and it is possible to think of a work of body energy rebalancing. Do not hesitate to contact me for further needs. Cordiality Dr.ssa Loredana Tocalli Medical Surgeon Homeopath Agupuncturist

Why quell the voice that emerges so forcefully from his body? This voice talks about her telling her that there is something that does not make her feel good and I let off steam with these attacks of ferocious anger! Anger like anxiety and other similar situations are now recognized even by the most difficult as the non-verbal expression with which our inner self expresses itself through physicality to indicate discomfort. As experience teaches me, it is the work on oneself flanked and supported by a yogic / meditative path that can shed light on the cause / causes that give rise to these angry crises. Then of course acupuncture (like other natural therapies) can undoubtedly be helpful. But if she doesn’t try to clarify herself dear namesake, the result will only be to postpone the length of the attacks over time or to shift the disorder onto other symptoms. So I leave you to reflect on what is happening within your life by listening more to your body and her needs .. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer expert in natural nutrition / intestinal hygiene and energy techniques

Cinzia, why would you like to anesthetize your anger? Sedate her? It is frightening this strong anger that is crushed more and more … And that then our body, very intelligent, and that speaks to it … It explodes … As if it were a pressure cooker that is not degassed. Colleagues talked about finding the causes and not removing the symptom, anesthetizing an emotion that is important to life …. Finding a way to channel this emotion of hers … Getting it out … What do you like? What activities give you well-being? Often through pleasant activities, we find a way to let our internal world out, also made up of anger … Movement, sports, hobbies help us … Then different professionals who can, however, get to make her understand why it is not to remove the symptom … It is already at a good point, but try to change the point of view. For any questions please do not hesitate to contact me a cordial greeting elena fossati
Hi Cinzia, what happens when you anesthetize a pain and after a while the effect of the drug ends? Think of a toothache: you use the painkiller and you feel better, then the effect passes and you go back to “crying” until a good dentist finds the solution at the origin of your illness. The origin of your evil is not the evil itself, that is the symptom. Sudden anger attacks are the symptom. The cause is quite different. Acupuncture allows you to better manage stress by bringing a greater energy balance to the body. Maybe it helps you to decrease the intensity of the attacks, the duration and have a greater emotional balance … but the other part of the work to do is to understand why and to remedy. Reorganize your life according to you and your needs in a priority way. Anger almost always has at its base experiencing something as unfair. What is the injustice you experience shortly before having the attack of anger? Do acupuncture as well, but keep in mind that there are also several techniques called “energy psychology” that can help you work completely and definitively on anger. You can do an internet search and watch videos of EFT, Emotional Balance, Logosynthesis, Emotional Kinesiology, NLP ……. just to name a few that can help you work completely and definitively on anger. You can do an internet search and watch videos of EFT, Emotional Balance, Logosynthesis, Emotional Kinesiology, NLP ……. just to name a few that can help you work completely and definitively on anger. You can do an internet search and watch videos of EFT, Emotional Balance, Logosynthesis, Emotional Kinesiology, NLP ……. just to name a few

Good morning, anger must not be anesthetized, it must be understood what triggers these attacks, in light of the fact that it is we who allow anger to possess us and understanding that it is we who can stop it, no one has the power to make us angry, it is we who Let’s allow, in order to constructively deal with such events, would I need more details on these attacks and their underlying causes, when do these attacks occur? with whom? how do you live them? I remain available. Giulio Pennella master reiki usui traditional Japanese, facilitator in meditation, teacher of conscious breathing, teacher of radionics and natural radiesthesia.
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