Can a vegetarian follow the blood type 0 diet without being deficient?

Can a vegetarian follow the blood type 0 diet without being deficient?

Greetings! I am reaching out to you in the hope that you can help me with my problem. I will briefly explain the situation: I am 24 years old and I have always suffered from obesity .. I have spent years of renunciation and made sacrifices in order to improve my health, always relying on doctors and dieticians. I have always strictly followed diets and exercised until exhaustion .. I find it hard to lose weight, an incredible effort … Only a few years ago, my mom (who is not a doctor) suspected that I had thyroid problems and indeed he was not mistaken: Hashimoto’s thyroiditisor chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. I am currently taking Eutirox 100 and also gastric reflux has given me problems lately .. I have not been following diets for 4 years, but I regulate myself, and in doing so I managed to lose 10 kilos, with infinite happiness, but now the weight is it’s stuck and I can’t lose a gram anymore … I’ve heard a lot of good things about the blood type diet and I want to try it to see if it can improve my health a bit .. But there is a problem: me I am from group 0, which “expects” to eat a lot of meat and eliminate gluten and dairy products .. but I am a vegetarian. For me, eliminating dairy products and foods with gluten would not be a big problem, because I inquired about their harmfulness. The doubt that grips me most is this: how can I best match the foods that my blood type allows me (except meat and fish ) in order not to have deficiencies? I’ve been trying for days to take stock of the situation to understand what to eat throughout the day, from breakfast to dinner .. but I can’t 🙁 I eat legumes almost every day, but I know which is not good .. I eat a lot of vegetables , I have always followed the Mediterranean diet, but I really think it is not the best solution for me .. I would like to attach the page where it talks about this diet, but I don’t know if I can do it … Sorry if the message is long, but I tried to tighten as much as possible ^^ I hope someone can help me to clarify. Thanks in advance to those who will answer me ^ – ^

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi Federica, in addition to the thyroid tests you have already performed, I would advise you to do a glycemic and insulin curve, before deciding which diet to follow. In my opinion, the blood type diet should always be followed by a professional to be sure that there are no deficiencies. Certainly a greater attention to gluten-containing foods, given the latest increase in intolerance to this protein. Good day.

Ilaria Porta
Good evening, I will certainly go against the tide but I do not like the blood group diet, you and I can have the same group and yet have completely different constitutions and therefore a food that is good for me could harm you. you certainly eliminate gluten and dairy products, beware of too many carbohydrates (especially if not wholemeal) such as rice, pasta, barley, spelled etc … and if a vegetarian (non-vegan) will not eat exclusively legumes as proteins which then will eat 2-3 times a day week. Federica before doing the “do it yourself” let yourself be followed by an expert therapist as food can be an excellent medicine but also the worst poison! This is to tell her that if she has a correct diet according to her constitution and her problems, she will have no problems, otherwise she could face deficiencies and organic imbalances.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Good evening dear, I agree with my colleague Ilaria also I do not favor the blood group diet. The reliability of the diet in fact loses its logic if we think of the entire world population which, divided by blood group, directs its diet following a regime based on the blood group to which it belongs. A little sad and limiting isn’t it? Furthermore, each of us retains unique characteristics with relative predispositions and problems that must be evaluated individually and only on the basis of this can a suitable nutritional program be established and suitable for one’s constitution. Getting to a point of stasis on a diet in order to lose weight is almost normal. Ours is an intelligent organism and tends to adapt to situations for this reason it is no longer able to lose weight. To unblock the situation, it is generally necessary to modify the diet and vary by increasing the quantity of proteins which in your case are vegetable ones (however, do not exaggerate with legumes. There are quantities to respect for them too). In addition to this, a thyroid check and physical activity are required to activate the metabolism. Keep in mind that there are some foods that are not friends of the thyroid and that slow down its functions (such as crucifers …) These are apparently simple steps but instead must be entrusted to a nutritionist or a naturopath who also takes care of education food and that he understands his needs and respects his food choices. It could also be useful to keep a food diary up-to-date where she will realize what she eats daily and possibly show it to a professional who can effectively follow her. Don’t be discouraged and let me know, certain of new and positive developments. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath writer -web writer

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Federica, as I said, each of us is unique and special and responds in a personal way to therapies and diets. The bibliography of the sector is full of books and sites, schools of thought that offer apparently valid diets. What I try to instill is the knowledge of one’s own body and therefore listening to personal needs and trust in one’s instinct. If you feel you need a vegetarian rather than a blood type regimen then you should. A vegetarian or vegan regime if well structured and reasoned offers the body everything it needs and I can confirm it firsthand. From her words we also notice a great will and I evince that she is working on herself and if this is not the case then she will start a path of growth and awareness and will see that the extra pounds will slip away and she will understand a lot about herself and her body. Furthermore, any dietary regime somehow forces you to put your diet in order and that is why even that of the blood group can apparently be beneficial. Sincerely, If you like to have a chat, you can write to me privately. I will gladly listen to you. Cinzia Zedda Sincerely, If you like to have a chat, you can write to me privately. I will gladly listen to you. Cinzia Zedda Sincerely, If you like to have a chat, you can write to me privately. I will gladly listen to you. Cinzia Zedda

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