Can a hormonal imbalance lead to anxiety and psyche problems?
Good morning, I’m 21 and I’m writing about a hormonal problem that I have now had for 8 months if not more. In fact, last August I stopped taking the birth control pill after 3 years of taking it because I had noticed an increase in unjustified anxiety . I am in fact a rather emotional and shy person but the anxiety had reached high enough levels to have dyspnea for most of the day. I stopped the pill at the end of the cycle, after a few days, I started living hell. Constant anxiety resulting in various stressful moments in panic attacks, nausea, tachycardia , nightmares, dizziness , frequent crying, severe stressand irritability (also due to loud noises etc.). After about a month / two, all symptoms subsided even though the period did not appear for 8 months. Last Tuesday it finally came back to me but I noticed that a few days before and during (and still) the period, the anxiety and the rather depressed mood intensified. Since November I have been following a macrobiotic diet based on meat, fish, legumes, almonds, walnuts, quinoa and amaranth. I also take a sachet of inositol every night. I write for natural advice but above all I seek comfort and reassurance if a hormonal imbalance can affect the psyche so strongly. Thank you
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