Calorie Deficit, How Many Calories To Cut To Lose Weight?

Calorie Deficit, How Many Calories To Cut To Lose Weight?

Many people who write to me find themselves in such a situation: they would like to lose weight, but they come out of periods of low-calorie and restrictive diets; they are afraid to eat as much as they should, but on the other hand, even eating a little more than they ate on a diet, they gain weight. Their situation looks like a nightmare.
How can they get out of this situation and lose weight? What calorie deficit should they set?
The problem is always the same: fixate on the small number of the scales and do nothing to achieve an adequate lifestyle.

The scale becomes the obstacle to this lifestyle. If I go to the gym and I do weights, for example, on the one hand I am visibly leaner, toned and with nice curves that are of muscle and less flab: on the other hand the scale will mark a heavier weight precisely because I have gained lean mass . Despite having visibly reduced body fat, for the same volume (i.e. wearing the same clothes) I will weigh more. The fat mass, on the other hand, weighs little.
Paradoxically, therefore, a person with more lean mass but a greater weight on the scale is healthier than someone who goes crazy for being lighter, but has more fat and less muscle. This is the first important thing to consider:
that is, ask yourself something about your own body composition? Am I an active person? Am I training my muscles? Am I toned?

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