Here’s our complete and platinum trophy guide for Call of Duty: Vanguard, the newest title in Activision’s hit FPS series.

Back to the battlefield! The usual appointment with the first-person shooter of reference for millions of gamers translates into hours of dispassionate gameplay, thousands of bullets fired, and a loot of trophies to be conquered. In this guide we will illustrate how to get all the trophies and the platinum trophy of the new Call of Duty: Vanguard , available on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X and S. The difficulty to get all the trophies is not very high, although getting some in particular could prove to be particularly difficult for some players, with a total duration estimated between thirty-five and forty hours to complete. The total number of trophies to be earned inCall of Duty: Vanguard is 45 (32 , 10 , 2 , 1 ). Almost all of the trophies can be obtained by playing offline, but for 5 of them it will be necessary to play online (and of course one of these is platinum). Other news that hunters will appreciate is that no trophy is missing , however, BEWARE of the trophy that will require you to reach level 55 online , since at the end of each season the level will reset , for the rest, play in all serenity.

ATTENTION: in the trophy and platinum guide there will be SPOILERS regarding the history and campaign of Call of Duty Vanguard, so we advise you to continue reading if you have already finished the game.

Call of Duty Vanguard

What to do first?

Complete trophies on specific missions

First of all it is advisable to complete a first run on ” Recruit ” difficulty , as some of the objectives will be too difficult to achieve at higher difficulties (and would require you to play at least half the game again on lower difficulty anyway to get them) . These are mainly trophies related to specific missions and not miscellaneous. The history of Call of Duty Vanguard is quite short and has only 9 missions, which at such difficulty will not require you more than half an hour of play each.

Complete trophies in Zombie mode

The trophy that will take you the most time is the one dedicated to killing 10,000 zombies, a disproportionate amount but cumulative in multiple games. The biggest advice is to play often and alternate games to other modes so as not to make everything boring. Also, while “farm” these zombies, try to combine these kills with other trophies present that are dedicated to the mode (8 more, so 9 in total). Tip: Use each operator’s favorite weapon to get more XP and upgrade.

Finally, move on to the trophies dedicated to multiplayer. We remind you that in Call of duty Vanguard the Heilà trophies , Top of the mountain , Professional 2.0 Skillful and the platinum trophy are ONLINE, let’s move on to the guide.   

Call of Duty Vanguard trophy and platinum guide

Bronze trophies

  • I got it? – Get 15 blind shooting kills in Campaign mode. | Trophy explained in the description.
  • Jackal – Recover ammo from 15 enemy corpses within 3 seconds of killing them in Campaign mode. | Trophy explained in the description.
  • Try them all! – Kill enemies with 15 different weapons over the course of a campaign. | Trophy explained in the description. Simply, immediately use the new weapons you find, and after completing at least one kill you can return to the one you prefer.
  • OH YES! – Go through 5 destructible walls with tactical shooting in Campaign mode. | Trophy explained in the description. You can “farm” this trophy easily in the third mission, Stalingrad, when your goal is to return home. You can load the checkpoint and repeat.
  • Big Shot – Issue 15 different orders to your allies using Arthur. | Trophy explained in the description. You can do this during the second mission, Operation Tonga.
  • Deadly Nightingale – Kill 15 enemies using Polina immediately after exiting a passage. | During mission 3 in Stalingrad you will pass through passages guiding Polina. To make a kill count, kill someone seconds after exiting one of the holes. You can also use the same step several times, and take advantage of checkpoints.
  •  Keen Senses – Kill 15 enemies using Wade and his Focus ability. | Trophy explained in the description. You can use the character in the fifth mission.
  • Pocket Full of Fun – Use 4 types of lethal gear and get 3 kills with each of them using Lucas. | Trophy explained in the description. You can use the character in mission 7 and mission 8.
  • Ticket Please – In Phoenix, kill 15 enemies while on the roof of a wagon. | Mission 1 while on the train. The only kills that count will be the ones you get on the metal roofed wagons with three hatches. You can also use the checkpoint technique and reload the game.
  • Watch out for the train – In Phoenix, shoot the driver of a truck full of soldiers. | Mission 1. When attacked by the trucks, shoot the driver until you see the truck lose control.
  • Deeds, not words – In Operation Tonga, protect Evans with your quick reflexes. | Defend Evans first from the attack and then throw back the grenade that will endanger him in mission 2.
  • Guardian Angel – In Operation Tonga, launches a smoke bomb from the anti-tank pit to provide cover for the charge. | Collect the smoke grenades as soon as you come out into the courtyard (after you have grouped with your companions at the mill). Later in the mission, when you give the order to load the bunkers, throw the smoke grenades you have collected.
  • Birth of a legend – In Stalingrad, protect the partisans without missing a beat. | When you have to cover the partisans while you are on the roof. From now on, you will never have to miss the mark. Use the sniper rifle. If you miss the target even once, reload the checkpoint.
  • Rain of Fire – In Stalingrad, hit a halftrack with a Molotov cocktail. | When you are in cover of the partisans and Misha says that enemies are coming from the right, you will see a couple of half-tracks appear on the screen. Launch the Molotov cocktails on that occasion. Reload the checkpoint if you fail.
  •  Slow But Deadly – In Battle of the Midways, aid 5 allies in distress in aerial combat. | Trophy explained in the description, if you don’t unlock the trophy reload the checkpoint.
  • Elusive Pilot – In Battle of the Midways, don’t get hit by bullets in the first dive bombing. | For this trophy, you don’t have to be hit by bullets when doing dive bombing. Try to find the areas where the volleys of bullets will hardly reach you. If you get hit, reload your save.
  • Untouchable – In Numa Numa’s Track, don’t get hit by the sniper. | After being captured and taken to the enemy camp and then the 93rd Division will come to save you. Always stay close to AI allies as you escape and use smoke grenades as cover. If you get hit, reload your save.
  • Survivalist – In Numa’s Runway Numa, find Mateo without firing a shot. | From the start of the mission, don’t fire a shot until you find Mateo. You can use melee attacks.
  • Raptor – In Nightingale, kill 5 snipers in the open field without hitting you. | The first enemy you will encounter in the mission possesses a sniper rifle. In the mission there are a total of 7 snipers, and to get the trophy you have to kill them all without taking damage from any of them. If you get hit, start over from the checkpoint.
  • Behind You – In Nightingale, take down Steiner’s troops in the department store using only stealth takedowns. | Mission 6, trophy explained in the description.
  • Sure It’s Not a Knife – In The Rats of Torbuk, take down the Stuka with a pistol, grenade, or rocket. | Mission 7. The revolver that can be selected at the beginning of the mission also counts as a pistol, and we recommend its use. Use the MGs dropped by the enemies to do the bulk of the damage to the Stuka, and when you see that he is on fire, switch to the pistol and give him the final blow.
  • Pied Piper – In The Rats of Torbuk, lead rats across the desert without being spotted. | During Mission 7 after you’ve cleared out the outpost, proceed silently to the left side of the map, silently take out the enemies with the MP40 silenced, and then take the middle path between the rocks to remain undetected, and then enter the ruins at right, but beware of an enemy that will be over there, so be ready to shoot. If you are spotted reload the checkpoint.
  • Leave the Footprint – In The Battle of El Alamein, get run over by a chariot. | At the beginning of mission 8, as soon as you start playing, stand in front of the moving tank (be careful, at minimum difficulty this will stop).
  • It Will All Work Out – In The Battle of El Alamein, get double the kills of Des during the final defense. | At the end of mission 8. If you play on Recruit difficulty it will be very simple. The trophy will unlock when the bombers arrive to complete the mission.
  • Unity is Strength – In The Fourth Reich, he uses Leadership to help take down a Jagermorder. | Distract the Jagermorder early in the mission by commanding him to your allies, and then kill him.
  • Order in Chaos – In The Fourth Reich, pass the level by not running into friendly fire. | Complete mission 9 without ever hitting a civilian or ally. You can reload the game if you hit someone.
  • Heilà – Join a multiplayer clan. | ONLINE TROPHY . Trophy explained in the description.
  • Pact with the Devil – Equip 3 pacts. | Trophy explained in the description. Watch the “Dirty Dozen” trophy.
  • The Dirty Dozen – Sacrifice 13 hearts. | You will have to sacrifice hearts on the demonic altar in the Fountain Square, the Der Anfang HUB. To get the hearts you have to complete the objectives in the red portals scattered around the map.
  • Shocking Behavior – Kill 10 damaged zombies from the Energy Mine artifact. | Trophy explained in the description. They count even if they die directly from the mine. It is not necessary to kill them all at once.
  • Escape Artist – Enter Aether Shield 5 times below 25% health using the Aether Shield artifact. | Trophy explained in the description. Get hit by the zombies until you are below 25% health, and then use the artifact. Repeat for 5 times.
  • Hothead – Kill 10 zombies while your damage is increased from the Ring of Fire artifact. | Trophy explained in the description. Easier done than said, activate, and kill. It is not necessary to kill them all in a single activation of the Ring.

Silver trophies

  • Dull Phoenix – Complete the Call of Duty Vanguard campaign on any difficulty level. | Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  • F – Die in Campaign mode by the effect of your grenade exploding. | Extremely simple, isn’t it?
  • It Wasn’t Day For You – In Campaign mode, re-launch 15 grenades that would have damaged you or your allies. | Trophy explained in the description. A good place to farm the trophy with a lot of grenades thrown at you is the battle of El Alamein in mission 8.
  • Thanks to you – Watch the credits until the end. | After completing the campaign, wait until the final credits run out, it will take about 20 minutes.
  • Top of the Mountain – Reach maximum level with an operator in multiplayer (base game operators only). | ONLINE TROPHY . Reach level 20 with a base game operator. Also take advantage of the experience by playing in Zombie mode.
  • Pro 2.0 – Reach max level with a weapon (base game weapons only). | ONLINE TROPHY. Reach level 60 with a pistol or level 70 with a primary weapon.
  • Thirst quenching – Drink from all 5 demonic fountains in one session. | You can find the fountains respectively in the Office, in the Apartments, in the Colonna di Panzera Est, in the Theater and in the Boiler Room.
  • Cold Blooded – Melee 10 slowed zombies from the Cryo-Blast Artifact. | When you use the artifact that freezes the zombies, the ones further to the side will be slowed down and not killed. Kill 10 melee zombies while in this condition.
  • Death Dispenser – Eliminate 2,500 zombies with a level 3 Pack-a-Punch weapon First you need to make sure to upgrade a weapon to level three of the Pack-a-Punch upgrade tree, and it will be quite expensive. One way to do this is to save until you can afford it (around round 10), or open the chests, where you can find weapons already at level 1, 2 or 3, or it could be dropped by Sturmkriegers, and others. ways yet. Once obtained, try to kill as many zombies as possible each time, and it is recommended to dedicate yourself to this trophy as you work to get “Grim Reaper” as well, but give this priority.
  • Grim Reaper – Kill 10,000 zombies. | Trophy more than clear, play the zombie mode and keep mangling the infected in any way possible. It is clearly not necessary to kill them in one session.

Gold trophies

  • And It’s Just The Beginning – Complete the Call of Duty Vanguard campaign on Veteran difficulty. | Trophy shown in the description. Veteran difficulty is available from the start, in which enemies will be more precise, use more grenades, and with the character that will die more easily.
  • Skillful – Reach level 55 in multiplayer. | ONLINE TROPHY. Trophy shown in the description. ATTENTION, you will have to complete the 55th level, therefore you will have to reach prestige level 1.

Platinum Trophy

  • Birth of Special Forces – Collect all trophies in Call of Duty: Vanguard. | As usual, you will get it by getting all the other trophies in the game.

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