Burning fat with fat, Jim White’s diet

Burning fat with fat, Jim White’s diet

burn fatWhat woman wouldn’t want to eat like a man? And how many men go on a diet? Pay attention to it: women go on a diet and are more obsessed with dieting. So, a personal trainer and nutritionist, Jim White (not a dietician, one with a degree in nutrition) thought a genius : if women are more obsessed with diets it means men don’t need them .
From him there is the statistic: it is women who are on average more obese than men. But our Jim can’t explain the reasons without resorting to science fiction: for example, it is not enough to ask whether the percentage of lean mass, structurally present more in men than in women, causes men to gain weight less, and in fact eat more; he can’t think that in the diet there are such differences between men and women that women, for genetic and evolutionary reasons (think of the cycle, childbirth, menopause, etc., all modifications that push women to put on fat mass to survive) they tend to get fat. For him it is too much and too unattractive to say that men and women are genetically different. Better to make an exceptional flight of pindaric: women are wrong dietwith this health anxiety, while all men, eating meat, fat and drinking beer, remain thin. Stuff for applause, the triumph of abduction that wins over all logic. And so he too, like some other jokers, promotes the mechanism of “burning fat with fat”, killing himself with ribs, fries and butter to stay healthy, but above all by focusing on animal proteins. Vegetables? Fruit? But no, a real man doesn’t eat them! In this regard I would like to introduce Jim to a couple of my friends: one goes on to meat, bacon and beer, zero fruit and vegetables; the other makes a healthy effort and adds an occasional salad, Mc Donald’s Caesar Salad , to embarrassing amounts of fat . Now, I wonder and say:why are these two friends of mine obese? If this is the winning power of the real man, why does it hurt so much?

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