Bronchitis in dogs and cats, all the remedies

Bronchitis in dogs and cats, all the remedies


Bronchitis can easily affect dogs or cats, especially during the cold-wet season . There are natural remedies that can help soothe the symptoms of this disorder. Let’s find out what they are.

>   1. What is  bronchitis

>   2. Symptoms of dog and cat bronchitis

>   3. Dog bronchitis: natural cures and remedies

>   4. Bronchitis in cats: natural cures and remedies

>   5. Natural advice

Bronchitis dog cat

What is bronchitis

Bronchitis is acute or chronic inflammation of the respiratory system that affects the trachea and bronchi. 


Symptoms of  dog and cat bronchitis

Dog and cat bronchitis can be of two types: acute bronchitis or chronic brochitis.

Acute bronchitis begins with inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. This is accompanied by fever up to 39.5 ° C and cough, dry at first then fatter.

This type of inflammation can resolve on its own but it is not uncommon for it to turn into capillary bronchitis and cause an increase in temperature, yellowish mucus production, persistent cough and labored breathing. 

In the event that bronchitis is not resolved with the right treatment, it tends to become chronic.  

Chronic bronchitis is therefore more serious and can also cause serious kidney and heart problems. The cough is dry, irritating, frequent at every slightest effort of the animal and accompanied by harsh breathing.


Dog bronchitis: natural cures and remedies

To treat dog bronchitis, nutrition plays a very important role .

Very useful is the administration of antioxidants, they neutralize free radicals that damage cell membranes: vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin E and vitamin C, zinc and selenium must not be missing.

Vitamin C in particular is excellent : from 250 mg for small dogs to 500 mg per day for large dogs. For the treatment of dog bronchitis, phytotherapy is very useful with some medicinal plants:

  • Echinacea : is a plant known for its ability to stimulate the immune defenses and for its bacteriostatic and virustatic action. 
  • Eleutherococcus : contains flavonoids and is defined as an adaptogenic plant, that is, it is able to induce an optimal adaptation response in unfavorable environmental conditions. 
  • Uncaria tomentosa : rich in oxindole alkaloids, it has a tonic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

The dry extract is used of these three plants ((12.5 mg of dry extract per day for every 5 kg of weight for a whole month).

Propolis is also very useful , antibacterial for the respiratory tract, to be taken with food or used in tablets (1 every 10 kg of weight); and lime , to be used as an infusion to soothe a cough.


The action of echinacea on the immune system

Echinacea for the immune system


Bronchitis in cats: natural cures and remedies

As for the dog, some phytotherapeutic remedies such as Echinacea, Eleutherococcus and Uncaria tomentosa are also very useful to treat bronchitis in cats, to be used as a dry  extract (12.5 mg of dry extract per day for a whole month).

Other remedies are:

  • Propolis : it is an effective antibacterial for the respiratory tract. It can be taken with food or added to a little honey (cats particularly love sweet flavors).
  • Linden : the infusion is soothing for coughs, it should be given in teaspoons several times a day.


Also discover the natural remedies for dog and cat cough


Natural Tips

Attention must be paid to the environment in which the dog or cat lives . First of all, the environment must always be purified, avoiding subjecting the dog or cat to fumes of any kind, from cigarettes to the smog of cars and various means of transport.

It is also advisable, in case of bronchitis, to allow the dog and cat to rest, avoiding excessive effort and taking particular care of its nutrition.


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