Broken and fragile capillaries on the ankles, how to treat them?

Broken and fragile capillaries on the ankles, how to treat them?

Hi, I have broken capillaries on my ankles and I would like to avoid sclerosing and laser therapies, how can I treat them to disappear? Thanks, Simona

Health Answers

Dear lady, the causes attributable to this type of imperfection can be of various types. If you are genetically predisposed to have very fragile capillaries, you can try to prevent and contain the disorder in the best possible way by taking care of your diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Introducing fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet, preferring red fruits, rich in flavonoids, helps improve circulation. Absolutely avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Even a sedentary lifestyle favors the breaking of capillaries so it is a good practice to take a walk of at least half an hour a day to help circulation. Of great help to counteract the discomfort, it would be to do some massage with herbal ointments such as red vine, ivy, blueberry that help normal circulation, also very useful. gotu kola extract. In any case, before proceeding with any form of self-treatment, I recommend that you contact a trusted professional, as circulation problems can be of various degrees. An angiologist will certainly be able to advise you on the best path to your problem. A cordial greeting, Dr. Manuela Gravante Health and Psychosomatic Wellbeing

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