Boombod, the new weight loss drink

Boombod, the new weight loss drink

It’s called Boombod , and it’s the new glucomannan fiber-based weight loss drink. In England it is one of the new slimming products that are all the rage, but you can also buy it on Amazon in Italy. In this article we try to understand what it is and above all how much it makes you lose weight and to whom it is suitable.


As anticipated, Boombod comes as a stick drink, so sachets that contain a flavored powder. The sachet should be opened and mixed with a glass of water, in order to obtain a 10-calorie drink. To make the drink, you need to mix the powder with the water, count to 6 and drink immediately. Otherwise it tends to congeal.

Each packet contains several sachets, one for the morning, one to take before lunch and another before dinner. But what does the product contain and what is its mechanism of action? And most importantly, are the reviews real? Dcomedieta has investigated for you.


Each sachet of Boombod contains vitamins and minerals. The good thing is that the micronutrient formulas are differentiated according to the time of day, to promote the correct functioning of the metabolism.

So, for example, the morning stick has an energizing action, since it contains vitamin C, iron and magnesium, the lunch one the B vitamins together with zinc, the dinner one biotin, selenium and vitamin D3. But the slimming ingredient, also considered safe by EFSA, is glucomannan, the same fiber from which shirataki noodles are made.

Glucomannan has properties that promote weight loss. First of all, it is a fiber that does not contain calories, practically, and that forms a gel in the intestine that reduces the sense of hunger. This is why a drink sachet allows you to lose weight. From this point of view Boombod is not new, there are already many products on the market that are based on glucomannan to take away the feeling of hunger. Which, in essence, this is what it is all about. Not a diet but a fiber that satisfies us before we start eating.

The second great property of this fiber is to promote the growth of good intestinal bacteria, which in turn increase the chances of losing weight.
Thanks to these properties glucomannan is one of the few substances approved for weight loss, because several studies have found that it works for weight loss.

One pack contains the sticks for one week’s consumption and has an advantageous price.
But there are those who manage to lose one to two kilos a week, while those who stop the treatment. And let’s move on to the sore point.
The tolerability of this drink for weight loss.


Everything that works in the gut, including probiotics and prebiotics, doesn’t work the same for everyone. This is because each gut is different. This is also the case with glucomannan. There are those who tolerate this fiber, while others have symptoms of intestinal irritation, which turn into constipation or diarrhea, cramps and stomach bloating.

It is true that glucomannan therefore takes away hunger, therefore it is true that it makes you lose weight as we have seen due to its double effect. But unfortunately it makes those who tolerate this type of fiber lose weight, while in others it causes side effects.

How to understand what our case will be?

It’s very simple. If you are interested in glucomannan-based products for weight loss, I can recommend something that will cost you a small amount, but which could save you from future shopping. On the other hand, if you already suffer from irritable bowel, there is no need to experiment because the product will not do it for you nine times out of ten.

On the contrary, if you do not know how your intestine would behave, just try to make two meals based on konjac shirataki, or the zero-calorie spaghetti (or other format) that can now also be found in organic shops and drugstores. So try to buy two packs if hydrated and one if dry and eat shirataki instead of lunch for two days in a row. You will spend around 5 or 6 euros in total. If from the second day you have an inflamed colon, feel cramps and swelling, no glucomannan-based slimming product will do for you. If, on the other hand, digestion is great, and on the contrary on the third day you are deflated and feel less hungry, then you can also buy Boombod.

You can find it on Amazon, here, at a cost of about sixteen euros : Weight Loss Boombod Drink .

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