Body massage and wellbeing

Body massage and wellbeing

The massage brings well-being to the whole organism: both from a physical, mental and emotional point of view.

Body massage and wellbeing

The massage and the body

The massage always involves contact , regardless of the technique used : this is the main peculiarity of the treatments. Contact refers to the very first experiences of the child: through contact, the first communication with the outside takes place, in particular with the mother and parents, as well as with family members. It is through contact that you know your body and the outside to yourself .

Contact is also the first gesture that is spontaneously used to try to soothe the suffering , physical or emotional , of another human being, but also of oneself: when you feel pain it is instinctive to cover the area with your hand, caress it, cradle it. .

Growing up, the space around your body becomes a limit that can only be overcome by our will. In this way, contact becomes a vehicle for information and stimuli well encoded by the situation in which one finds oneself: intimate, emotional, or therapeutic .

Receiving a massage means transmitting in depth, through the skin , the information that is outside of us . The skin passes the stimuli it receives to the underlying tissues and directly to the nervous system which, in turn, communicates with the organs located deep inside.

Each massage, therefore, is never just a superficial gesture , but also a profound communication at all levels: physical and emotional .

Read also What is holistic massage >>


Body massage and wellbeing

Massage is one of the techniques of choice to bring well-being to the whole organism . Even when the massaged part is only a portion of the whole body, it is always the undivided unity of the holistic system that benefits . It is therefore always a benefit that extends from the body to the emotional sphere and, consequently, also to the mental one.

The positive effects of the massage are local , concerning the directly treated part, and reflexes , that is, they concern distal parts of the body.

They are also both superficial, that is inherent in the skin and underlying tissues , such as the superficial blood and lymphatic circulation, and deep, with stimulation of the organs and muscles .

Even the most “rigid” areas, such as bones and joints , benefit from the massage, especially in cases where the massage involves mobilization.

Well-being, understood as physical, emotional and mental balance, is easily obtainable through massages . Even a simple aesthetic massage increases health , because contact is never an end in itself and never gives only one result: the massage acts both outside, in what we see of us, and inside, in the deepest and most profound part. impalpable made up of thoughts and emotions.

Taking time for yourself, regaining confidence with your body, which is awakened and stimulated through contact, interacting intimately with yourself and your feelings thanks to the maneuvers you receive and the reserved space you enjoy , they are all benefits of undergoing massage treatments .

Self-massage also generates well -being , and is easy and inexpensive to implement.


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