BeyoncĂ©’s vegan diet becomes a business

BeyoncĂ©’s vegan diet becomes a business

beyonceWe missed her too: singer BeyoncĂ©, who lost weight with a detoxifying and vegan diet program, decided to launch into the diet business , opening a company that will specialize in home diet meals. Obviously vegan and gluten free, indeed, exclusively of this type. And so soon in America you will open  22 Days Nutrition , a vegan home meal serviceand gluten-free that will allow people to eat healthy while ordering take away, doing the same three-week diet that she did to get back in shape from pregnancy. The singer’s business partner would be nutritionist Marco Borges, and the idea behind the name is that it takes three weeks (so 21 days) for the body to become unaccustomed to eating meat and gluten (seriously?), So from twenty-second day we can say that we have entered a new and healthier food phase.
Meals cost between nine and fourteen dollars , depending on whether you choose to have one meal (lunch or dinner), two meals (lunch and dinner) or three (breakfast, lunch and dinner) delivered. In theoryeating like this for 21 days would lose as much weight as the singer did . What more could you want. it’s even cheaper than Japanese !!! Finally, the way in which the singer commented on her new entrepreneurial initiative was truly commendable: we could have expected her to explain why we should all eat vegan or gluten-free, instead she limited herself to saying “if I did it, anyone can do it ! “. Too bad that BeyoncĂ© did not stay vegan and that a vegan diet almost automatically makes you lose weight the first few weeks, it is not that there is a need for special recipes.
In short, you should have money, want to try to eat vegan without trying to buy vegetables and want to go on a diet.
Be that as it may, this is the site:  22 Days Nutrition .

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