Best friend phrases for WhatsApp: images and text
New collection of phrases dedicated to those people who hold a special place in the hearts of thousands of women: the best friend . On this page we have selected the most beautiful phrases found on the web and other originals.
You can find the sentences both in text format and in images. To send best friend phrases, just copy the text and paste it into your message. To send the images , however, you must first save the photo on your mobile and then send it as a normal photograph on WhatsApp.
Do you know other beautiful phrases dedicated to the best friend? Leave a comment below and contribute yourself to enrich this collection.
<img class="wp-image-584 entered exited" src="data:;base64,” alt=”phrases whatsapp” width=”30″ height=”25″ data-lazy-src=”” />Â Phrases for the best friend
- My best friend is like a guardian angel, she supports me and is there when I cry, she smiles and rejoices when I am happy. My best friend is like a star, present even when I don’t see her … My best friend is you! (S. Littleword)
- Nobody is as special as you. I love you an infinite good my friend!
- Because in the end the best and most beautiful thing in the world is just you.
- Friendship, the real one, is you! Thanks for everything my friend.
- A true friend is someone who takes you by the hand and touches your heart. (GG Márquez)
- If I had had to choose my best friend, I would have chosen you. Fortunately, life has given me this gift without any effort.
- If friendship is worth more than love, with you I have found my treasure.
- Without a friend like you, what life would it be? Thanks for always being there my friend.
- In life, finding a friend is a rare gift… And I’m super lucky, because I found you, my best friend!
- My friend, there are no words to say when I love you. Our friendship is unique, and it is a source of infinite joy.
- “We are two things united, two different worlds that embrace in the same ideas. We are two rivers that always accompany each other, we are unique and indivisible, we are you and me “.
- You are my most precious little angel in the universe! I love you too much that not even words can describe it!
- I promise to always be by your side in all important and unimportant moments, except in your intimate and personal moments.
- Friendship is not just chatting, it is not just desire or pain … friendship is something more, it is reading your own words in the eyes of the other, it is a smile open on the windows of the world … it is a hand held out to tell you that you are not you are never alone!
- Old stories say that for every thought addressed to a friend a star is born. At night, raise your eyes to the sky and lose yourself in the immensity of my thoughts.
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