Belly deflated summer water: a very easy recipe

Belly deflated summer water: a very easy recipe


Problems with bloating and intestinal regularity? In summer, heat and travel can make them worse. But there is a solution, mineral-rich and very tasty summer water to drink, which will allow you to better digest what you eat during the day and be more punctual in the bathroom. summer water

Not only that: this summer water, which I can’t do without in the summer, deflates the belly, drains excess fluids, reduces post-prandial blood sugar and cholesterol. Therefore, if in addition to swelling, constipation, you fear glycemic peaks and fear of being overweight, prepare a liter of this water and drink it during the day, remembering to drink a glass half an hour before going to the table.
Let’s come to the summer water recipe.

Summer water to deflate

For a liter of water:

  • 4 sachets of karkadè
  • A whole organic lemon
  • Natural stevia to taste
  • A tablespoon of cumin seeds
  • Method

    Boil the cumin seeds for 10 minutes in 300ml of water. Turn off, add the sachets of karkadè, cover the saucepan with a plate or a lid and leave everything to infuse for another ten minutes.
    Using a tightly meshed colander, filter the herbal tea and pour it into a liter jug. Add about 3 cups of cold water, stir, add Stevia.
    Finally, wash the lemon, cut it into slices and place them in the jug.
    Put in the fridge to cool. Drink one glass in the morning before breakfast, one half hour before lunch and dinner, the rest during the day.
    After a day you will see a noticeable reduction in swelling. After two, greater intestinal regularity and the progressive reduction of belly swelling. Drunk every day, you will see an improvement in digestion.
    This occurs thanks to the combination of the antioxidants of karkadè, rich in flavonoids, its regularizing properties and the combination with black cumin seeds, which help hormonal balance and reduce blood sugar. Lemon adds vitamin C to karkadè, making this water immunostimulating and even more purifying.

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