Because the Mediterranean diet is so good for us

Because the Mediterranean diet is so good for us

Mediterranean dietThis time, I am not only going to start talking about an article, but I will even quote its title: Why the Mediterranean diet is so good for us , which appeared on the news site News.Com , lists all the advantages of a Mediterranean diet for losing weight but also for living long and healthy. As we know, the Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle that encourages the consumption of carbohydrates for 60% of the daily intake, of fats for 25% and proteins for 15% . Red meat is eaten once a month, while dinner during the week includes alternating fish, eggs and poultry: sweets are allowed on Sundays. Every day it is necessary to consume fruit, vegetables, complex carbohydrates better if whole, tubers, legumes, extra virgin olive oil more than butter.
Although this diet, called Mediterranean by Ancel Keys, who made a very important study on the differences between diet and longevity of different countries and in the end lived with his wife in Greece, is a UNESCO heritage, there is no shortage of critics and detractors of the Mediterranean style also in Italy.

This is why it is important from time to time to “go back to basics” and to be clear on the reason or rather the reasons why the Mediterranean diet does very well, especially in the light of the new studies conducted.
1) The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and mental illness.
2) A new British study has linked the Mediterranean diet to greater longevity
3) The Mediterranean diet reduces stress (including oxidative stress)
4) The Mediterranean diet is in line with an eco-sustainable and plant-based diet
5) Together with the Nordic diet, the Mediterranean diet is the only one balanced in fatty acids: omega3 acids versus omega6 and 9 acids. This improves cognitive development, metabolism, immune defenses. 

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