Bars workout for weight loss and body sculpting at home

Bars workout for weight loss and body sculpting at home

Today we see a really effective workout designed for women (but also for men) who are looking for a way to get back in shape, burn calories, lose weight but at the same time sculpt their body.Ā If you are one of them, the barre workout is for you.Ā A workout that we can also do at home and that works very well for weight loss and remodeling.

But what is workout barre?

TheĀ barreĀ is a type of training inspired by the exercise practice of dancers, with evident contaminations of yoga and pilates.Ā You don’t have to dance, however, it is just a series of exercises inspired by the training of the dancers.

The term comes from the barre that the dancers lean on to perform some workouts, but there are also barre exercises to do on the mat, without any help or with small weights.

The bar can absolutely be performed with a chair or having a wall available.Ā In general, you shouldn’t lean too much, but just your hands to stay balanced.


The principles of the barre are simple.Ā First of all, more than the speed of execution, the mechanics of the exercise, that is how it is performed, counts.Ā The exercise must be performed correctly, taking care of the position of the arms and legs and performing the steps with precision.Ā You must also pay attention to how you hold your back and if it is not possible to stand on toes you can also avoid it.

The barre focuses on legwork, glutes, abdomen and hips, but there are exercises with small weights (half a kilo or one kilo) for the arms.Ā Sometimes these weights, or something else (a book, a small ball) can be wedged behind the knee or placed on one of the hips.
People are often asked to keep their back straight and their heads held high.

It is a work that owes its effectivenessĀ to the precisionĀ with which the exercises are carried out, it is very stimulating and gives truly unique results for remodeling, but it also burns calories.Ā This is because the exercises are repeated several times.
Do not exaggerate with the weights, it is useless to load too much.
Precisely because the invigorating action is given by the exercise and the number of repetitions, you must be able to complete them all, so do not focus on the loads!
I have been doing barre for about 5-6 months, along with other workouts, and when I am at home the barre is my favorite way, along with some types of yoga, to stay lean while eating more than enough.
In one hour of training you can burnĀ between 300 and 500 caloriesaccording to the level of intensity, but above all the barre is an exercise that has a beneficial impact on the metabolism and is pleasant to do.

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