Baldness: effective treatment with the laser hat

Baldness: effective treatment with the laser hat

Anyone who has baldness problems and has tried to solve them, knows that all the definitive solutions you hear about are not really definitive, not even the transplant . Often, at a first intervention, it is necessary to have others follow. Transplantation is certainly a good solution, but expensive and, in a certain sense, tiring, since it is still a type of surgery . Therefore, the novelty of the laser hat for the treatment of alopecia appears very interesting, presented at the end of June during the 15th international meeting of the Italian Society for the treatment and surgery of baldness, held in Syracuse The mysterious hat, around which we had had anticipations of all kinds, he calls himself Capillus, and of course it has nothing magical about it. Seen from the outside it is a very normal cap with visor, indistinguishable from any other hat of the kind (ignoring the logo printed in the front area); but inside, the capillus cap is equipped with 272 lase r diodes (which operate on batteries) that emit a light radiation that serves to stimulate vasodilation in the scalp, and to stimulate regrowth. Provided, of course, that the follicles are not completely atrophied. What effort is required to use capillus, and what results should be expected?Just wear it half an hour a day (or less) for three months to see the first results. It is completely painless, so practically no effort is required. Just patience. The cost, at the moment, appears a bit high, but given the good initial results it is easy to expect a progressive decrease in the price and a rapid evolution of the “instrument”: currently, we are talking about a few thousand euros of expenditure (about 2500 euros ). It should be noted that specialists recommend combining the use of capillus with the best protocols of regenerative medicine.

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