Bach flowers for dogs, when and how to administer them?

Bach flowers for dogs, when and how to administer them?

Hi, since I would have to face a long journey with the dog, I had been advised the Bach flower drops to keep him from agitating. In the pharmacy they could only order one guy called Bach Flow di unda (rock rosy bF, clematis bf, impatiens bf, Cherry plum bf, star of bethleem bf.) Drops 20 ml. I would like to know as soon as possible to administer them to the dog and how many. Thank you in advance.

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi, I would advise you to start at least 3 days before the trip 4 drops 4 times a day on the day of the trip, give them 5/6 times if you notice a particular agitation of the dog. best wishes and have a good trip.
Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello, we specify that there are no different formulas for our dog friends and if the market offers them they are only commercial strategies. Having said that, the best thing he can do is get his dog used to the car by starting with small trips and disciplining him with rules that can make the journey more pleasant for him and for you too! Although dogs respond very well to flowers they cannot replace the stages which must be numerous and commensurate with the needs not yours but of the dog. The dog, whatever the breed or the size, needs to move and run, do the needs, socialize, drink and play. Respecting the needs of your dog is the best attitude so that you can face the journey in serenity. Furthermore, as with humans, it is necessary to understand why the dog is fidgeting. It may be that he is unfamiliar with the car or that he has had a previous bad experience and is afraid of it or perhaps he suffers from it exactly as we do or he is simply bored. It is up to her as a good owner of her dog to understand all this and act accordingly with canine common sense and not with human selfishness. Have a good trip with fido!

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