Autumn vegetables, autumn and winter vegetables: the properties

Autumn vegetables, autumn and winter vegetables: the properties

I’m crazy about vegetables and autumn vegetables: from pumpkin to green leafy vegetables, these are vegetables that require a minimum of preparation (they must all be eaten cooked, in essence, apart from one or two that can also be eaten raw, but I’ll tell you about it later), but which have indisputable properties for health. Which???
Let’s find out together with this little legend about the most common autumn and winter vegetables and vegetables.
Starting with one of my favorites, the pumpkin!

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is very versatile. We can use its puree as a base for desserts, adding two or three eggs, flour, stevia and a spoonful of coconut oil, plus a mix of spices (cinnamon, cloves) or as a base for vegetable creams. slimming. In this case, stew it in oil with watercress or onions, and blend everything in a mixer with a handful of fresh aromatic herbs. In this way we get a draining soup.

It is rich in folic acid, manganese, zinc and vitamin C, and it also has a naturally sweet taste. It has more carbohydrates than green leafy vegetables (as well as carrots, celeriac, etc.), therefore it allows us to reduce bread, pasta and rice without imbalance.

Spinach: spinach, if its leaves are tender, can also be eaten raw. I love them this way: seasoned raw with extra virgin olive oil and a handful of chopped walnuts or pine nuts, salt and pepper. Combine this green carpaccio with salmon, trout or lean meat for a highly satiating and nutritious dish.
Spinach is rich in potassium, antioxidants, vitamin C, but also contains iron and calcium, so they are good seasoned with lemon juice (to better absorb iron). To be eaten raw, cooked or just seared.

Leafy vegetables: field herbs and beets can be found as early as October, and then in the winter months. They are natural liver toxicants, together with artichokes , and are good in association with fats, which make them more digestible, and with animal proteins, which instead help us to assimilate in a healthier way. The top is to just scald them in water and then sauté them in a pan with oil, garlic and chilli. Even sautéed or fried artichokes are excellent for our liver.

Sweet potatoes: if you find them, buy them and drink their cooking water too. This tuber has amazing properties. Increases insulin sensitivity, is highly satiating, lowers blood sugar. The cooking water of sweet potatoes (peeled) has slimming properties. Being sweet but with a lower glycemic index than potatoes, they are preferable to the latter, and they are also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. To be consumed boiled or in a pan with a teaspoon of butter, ghee or coconut oil.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts: rich in folic acid, vitamin K and vitamin C, they should be eaten steamed because with the slightest cooking they are more digestible and keep their properties unaltered.

Radicchio: radicchio is useful for fighting constipation, reduces blood sugar and helps digestion. As for leafy vegetables, it is excellent sautéed in a pan in oil and paired with meat or fish, but also with rice or wholemeal pasta, to reduce the glycemic load and promote optimal carbohydrate metabolism. We choose the wildest varieties to purify ourselves.

Mushrooms: I love them. I would eat them all year round, but in the fall we often find them in our kitchen. Mushrooms are often underestimated when they have amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Do you think that many “Chinese” mushrooms with slimming properties (presumed: however, they are largely antioxidants) are also grown in Italy. They have many mineral salts, including phosphorus, and B vitamins. Useful for those with cardiovascular problems, they can also be eaten raw (this is the case of field mushrooms), but it is better to eat them cooked to make their nutritional properties more bioavailable.

Last but not least: fennel! To be eaten raw, it must be the basis of your juices, because it is highly moisturizing and draining. Also perfect to eat raw, in wedges, in pinzimonio, before meals, because it helps digestion and reduces the sense of hunger. Ideal for those who suffer from air in the belly and swollen belly.

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