Are you on a vegan diet but have you gained weight? Here because

Are you on a vegan diet but have you gained weight? Here because

In general , those who follow a vegan diet do not do it to lose weight , but because driven by various types of ethical or health reasons: for some, following a vegan diet means losing weight, while for others, alas, it means taking it. On average, the weight difference between those who follow a vegan diet and those who follow an omnivorous diet is 4-5 kilos less : this means that some will lose a lot of weight, others will gain it. But why do some people experience weight gain on the vegan diet? What am I doing there? I’ll explain it to you in this article!

1) Walnuts, almonds, cashews, oil seeds:make cheesecake with a base of smoothed cashew nuts and dates; add a tablespoon or two of pumpkin seeds to salads; eat sesame seed bars; use alternative cheeses based on almonds or cashews. You use seed oil instead of butter. What does this translate into? In addition to a troubling amount of omega 6, which are mostly inflammatory, go ahead to walnut and almond snacks with the idea of ​​adding “protein, healthy fats, fiber” spread rye bread with almond or peanut butter yes results in an increase in calories if you are not careful. Seed butters and almond flours are nothing more than concentrated almonds: and almonds alone have around 600 calories. Same thing for nuts and company.

2) Everything that is green is necessarily good: well , no, unless by green you mean a nice fennel and cucumber salad, you must always pay attention to the labels of the foods you buy. That they are vegan does not automatically mean that they are of quality or that they are nutritious. If you buy vegan burgers, vegan cheeses, vegan cured meats and disdain good pasta and beans, remember that simplicity in the kitchen is the first real ally of your diet. Do not be fooled by vegan products on the shelves: also watch out for calories, and the list of ingredients.

3) Less protein, much more sugar: this is the other big problem, although it can be curbed with a little common sense, of the vegan diet. Pasta with seitan sauce is like saying flour with gluten side dish: some amino acids are missing for the body to be able to take in the right proteins. The rule is that in one day we must always combine whole grains with legumes (or its derivatives: lupine salami, tofu, tempeh), thus avoiding a lack of proteins which results in a reduction in metabolism, and in a lower sense of satiety. A typical problem with low protein in the diet is that you are not satisfied enough, ending up eating too much starch or too much sugar.

4) The portions, damn !!! The salad with brown rice, chia seeds, avocado, oil, olives is the vegan relative of the terrible party brace salad. Of course, it’s healthy: but consider that avocado alone contains 160 calories per 100 grams, a tablespoon of chia seeds gives us 35 calories, a tablespoon of oil 100, an average portion of whole grains about 180-200 calories. It is not unthinkable that the salad thus reaches those 600-700 calories that do not make it a “neutral” or light dish. Once again, whether it is green and vegan it does not matter if after eating it we believe we were light and that we can eat something more. 

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