Are you on a diet? Stay away from horoscopes

Are you on a diet? Stay away from horoscopes

Today we host on Dcomedieta the journalist and blogger Alessia Baldassarre, who will talk to us about a very particular study between horoscopes and diets, so it seems that those who are on a diet but read the horoscope may have some difficulty losing weight. 

If you have decided to welcome spring by starting a diet that will make you ready to pass the costume test, you better stay away from the horoscope: a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research reveals how reading the horoscope can compromise your own willingness to resist the temptation to fail, and if you are on a diet, negatively affect you.

Few really believe it (or at least publicly claim to do so) but it is undeniable that no one disdains to take a look at his horoscope every now and then, through printed magazines or sites specialized in astrology and zodiac signs such as / . However, a recent survey revealed that, contrary to popular belief, at least 50% of the Italian population believes in horoscopes.

This could be a problem for the figure and affect dieters , according to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research , according to which those who believe in horoscopes are more inclined to give in to temptation and be more indulgent with themselves , after they have read a negative astrological forecast.

The research in brief. Driven by the great diffusion of horoscopes , both in print and on the web, a group of researchers from two American universities, Johns Hopkins University and the University of South Carolina, has decided to test whether and how an astrological divination can influence the our decision-making ability. Previous research had in fact shown that about 75% of Americans professed to believe in fate, while the others had claimed to believe in horoscopes.

The researchers then wanted to test the attitude of the two groups of people towards the negative horoscope – temptation binomial . The researchers thus subjected a group of 188 volunteers to a negative horoscope and then asked them if they would later want to do something responsible, such as cleaning the house, or indulging in a distraction, going to a party or giving in to the temptation to “drown” their own. discontent in a cup of ice cream.

Well, those who thought that their destiny was influenced by the stars, succumbed to the temptation to go to the party or eat ice cream , while those who were more fatalistic and professed to rely more on the will of fate than on that of the stars opted, preferably, for the quieter evening dedicated to domestic cleaning. The result surprised the researchers, convinced that those who believed in the horoscope had chosen to adopt the virtuous behavior to “propitiate” the stars and thus prevent the unfavorable situations predicted by the horoscope.

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