Are you gaining weight? Don’t make it worse that way

Are you gaining weight? Don’t make it worse that way

Slimming dietA big mistake made by those who know they have gone too far and gained a few pounds is fatalism. I know what I’m talking about: a series of arguments is triggered that by now our destiny will be to die alone and fat, no diet works, we don’t know how to control ourselves , and so on. In short: those who gain weight are often seized by a sort of panic of weight. On the one hand, she understands that she is wrong or that she has made a mistake (perhaps she is often not even to blame: imagine those who undergo hormone therapy or other drug therapy, or women who are in a hormonal transition phase, such as the early days of menopause, or again, those who have just given birth), on the other hand thinks that it is impossible to get back on top and return to a normal weight.
Remember two things,I tell you from my experience and you have to put them in your head

– You can always lose weight: it all depends on you. 
– You can lose weight at any age and regardless of past mistakes.
Having said that, I read an article that appeared on the website that talks about phrases and behaviors that those who are gaining weight say or do, making the situation worse: or because they want to lose weight at all costs and choose to harm themselves, for example by fasting either by trying the first diet he comes across, or by having the strangest and most punishing thoughts. Let’s see together what we must avoid doing and saying if we are gaining weight:
– Do not fast: you slow down your metabolism, you exasperate yourself psychologically, pushing you to eat and binge more at the next meal. Controlled fasting or fasting, leave it to those who know how to practice it. Do not improvise, even if the temptation is there, never skip meals.
– Down with sadness : ok, you have gained weight. On with life. It’s not a drama and if you don’t like it you can always lose weight. The important thing is not to take it too seriously, feeling like a failure or incapable or feeling unwatchable.
– Do not take the first diet that your friend recommends: If things have gone badly so far, why keep harming yourself with crash diets? Why not learn a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition? In short: why not change your life, rather than your diet? Better to start with good habits than carve out the seasonal diet from a magazine.
– Yes to physical activity, no to exaggeration : it’s not that you have to join the gym and do it every day, otherwise the temptation to abandon it will be strong. Instead, rely on a personal trainer to explain your problems. Warning: take advice from him / her for the physical program, not the diet.
– To change the body, change the head first!Enough with advice from friends and relatives, think with your head. Start cutting out more calorie-rich foods to eat more fruits and vegetables, cut your portions in half, avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, and every time you have a hunger attack, have a nice apple. Do not weigh yourself too much, on the contrary, the first few times just let go of the balance and follow only good and reasonable dietary rules by doing physical activity.

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