Are there any Yoga training courses in Emilia Romagna?
Good evening I have been doing yoga for several years, I would like to do a training school to be able to teach it, but I don’t find any in my province of Reggio Emilia, Parma or Mantua would also suit me. Does anyone know how to point me to an association or school that makes this type of path? Thanks, Ary80
Health Answers
Hi Arianna, there is an excellent teacher, Piero Vivarelli, who I knew ran a training school for yoga teachers in Reggio Emilia, you can contact him to ask him at the following numbers tel .: 348 3885966 – email: He teaches also in Milan, see the website: I doubt there are schools in Parma or Mantua, cities that are too small! There are some in Bologna. Best wishes Federica Gorni President of ParaTan Center Certified Yoga, Meditation and Para-Tan Teacher Email:

Hi Arianna! before deciding to become a teacher, it is also advisable to identify the style of yoga you want to teach! I find it very important to specialize in one method.
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