Are there any contraindications for ginger, cinnamon, turmeric?

Are there any contraindications for ginger, cinnamon, turmeric?

Good morning, those suffering from arrhythmias or hypothyroidism can drink herbal teas or consume the powders to season soups, salads etc. of ginger, cinnamon and turmeric? Thanks for the kind reply you will give me, best regards! Tiziana

Health Answers

Daniela Battaglino
Good morning Tiziana. Absolutely these spices can only give you digestive benefits and, especially turmeric, has a lot of beneficial properties for the heart. Always keep in mind that these spices become in effect “curative” and have their “contraindications” like all natural remedies, only in high doses … so … you can safely use them! I recommend a sea oak supplement that can help your hypothyroidism and consequently also improve the arrhythmia. Avoid foods such as: peanuts, cabbage, soy, pine nuts, mustard and turnips because they inhibit the absorption of iodine … very useful for you!

Good morning Tiziana, using spices such as ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and others, has no contraindication for her hypothyroidism problem because I don’t think we are talking about large quantities. Spices can very well replace salt which, despite being a natural flavor enhancer, in the long run can cause tachycardia, water retention, circulatory problems. As you surely know, hypothyroidism is due to an iodine deficiency, I would like to know your age and in any case if you are of childbearing age the daily requirement is 150/170 micrograms, replenish the iodine deficiency with iodized salt, consume more fish and fresh vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and fruit and vegetables in general. In addition, arrhythmias can be a consequence of hypothyroidism as the heart changes its frequencies. Talk to your doctor. I remain at your disposal. Naturopath Consultant. Monica Veneziano

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