Are reishi and coriolus contraindicated in pregnancy?
I cannot find any information on the possibility of taking reishi and coriolus during pregnancy. There are no contraindications in this regard, but I am always advised to rely on the advice of the doctor if I want to continue using these 2 mushrooms despite the pregnancy . Unfortunately I have not found any doctor, not even among those specializing in natuorpathy , who could give me information, no one knows the effects so the answer has always been: “if in doubt, stop”. Can anyone tell me if reishi and coriolus are beneficial or harmful in pregnancy? Thanks to those who will be able to help me!
Health Answers

Hello Claudia, I am specialized in Mycotherapy , both can be used in pregnancy, there is one and only mushroom that is not recommended during this period and it is Auricularia . In such a delicate moment, however, it is good not to take too many natural remedies or drugs that is why they told her to stop them. regards

Congratulations for the incorrect information you provide to people .: According to the leading experts in mycotherapy in Italy, the aforementioned mushrooms (but I would say all of them!) Are ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED IN PREGNANCY because THERE IS NO LITERATURE worldwide that makes their use safe in this delicate period. .PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD FAKE NEWS … IF YOU ARE AN IRIDOLOGIST / NATUROPATHED GRADUATE IN MEDICINE (I AM ONLY 6 YEARS … YOU CAN ALWAYS LEARN NOT TO DO HARM !!!!). MUSHROOMS ARE DRUGS (IF YOU KNOW WHAT DRUG MEANS!)
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