Are Acai Berries Useful For Weight Loss?
I have heard these berries praised for weight loss; I would like to know your opinion and any contraindications. Thanks Carlo
Health Answers

hi, Carlo the acai berries are a good energizer, they contain vitamin C, polyphenols , minerals, omega 3 and 6, contain many fibers and protect the capillaries. like all products it can be used without exaggerating. For weight loss, I would say that its amount of fiber can create a sense of satiety and therefore there is a tendency to decrease in food. to lose weight you must have a dietary attention is important, the quantities are always to be kept under control, physical activity, dietary control in a healthy diet, and a hormonal control to assess that weight gain does not depend on other factors. I hope I have been thorough in the answer. good evening

Dearest, weight loss involves the activation of a series of physiological mechanisms (insulin, thyroid and metabolism, familiarity and predisposition, constitution and related phenomena / genotypes) that involve the organism at three hundred and sixty degrees. Checking your diet and establishing a plan that also includes physical activity and therefore adapts to your needs, perhaps with the help of an expert (if you are not able to do it yourself) is the most sensible choice. Often the dietetics market offers aids to stimulate the metabolism for weight loss. Berries, herbs and fruits offered as supplements are sometimes quite energetic and imbued with hidden sugars, more suitable for compensating for deficiency and convalescence and therefore supporting drastic diets rather than weight loss. Furthermore, the use of particular berries and “exotic” remedies turns out to be quite expensive. Other times it is quite common to find a single effect: the laxative one! Then remember that supplements must be taken for long periods and consistently. As for the berries you mentioned, while reserving you excellent qualities in the richness of nutrients, I would not spend money if the aim is to lose weight. The best thing as I told you is to check and measure your metabolism and I would then behave accordingly. So I recommend other more suitable and targeted “remedies”. But first evaluate her personal situation in order to direct her towards something effective and targeted for her. in short, you need to understand why you want to lose weight and why you can’t lose weight. Best regards Cinzia Zedda

my colleague Grieco Rosa answered more than correctly about the berries in question. But to lose weight and regain a good physical and mental shape I will never stop saying that you must follow a healthy and natural diet and exercise !! there are no miraculous remedies, even if natural! best regards Ilaria Porta Naturopath FNNHP / Iridologist
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