April 10, World Homeopathy Day
“Just One Drop” is the documentary on homeopathy that for 10 April, the World Homeopathy Day, will circulate in many rooms in as many Italian cities: here, among conferences, meetings and free consultations, what can be done to approach this world of alternative care.

World Homeopathy Day 2018
World Homeopathy Day , or the World Homeopathy Day, is celebrated on April 10th .
The date was chosen not by chance, but in correspondence with the birth of the one who is considered the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann , a German doctor born on 10 April 1755.
The purpose of this day is to spread awareness about this type of alternative treatment and this sharing message is expressed through the international motto “Unity in Diversity” , or unity in diversity.
At the same time, in the world and in Italy, meetings, conferences, congresses, documentary projections are spreading, but those interested are given the opportunity to learn more, making free first-person visits.
And remember that homeopathy can also help animal friends !
Read also Prevention in homeopathy >>
Initiatives in Italy on Homeopathy Day
> Amiot , the Italian Medical Association of Homotoxicology , is at the forefront of the subject and proposes the initiative ” We are fine … Of course! “ For humans and animal friends .Â
For 10 April, World Homeopathy Day, it will be possible to access one of the 600 medical or veterinary offices of Amiot for a free consultation , to receive prevention advice or to learn about healthy and correct lifestyles.
For further information, here is the page dedicated to the Giornataomeopatia.it site , where you can also find the complete list of members.Â
> The School of Homeopathic Medicine of Verona is organizing for Saturday 7 April , at 8.45 pm, at the Santi Apostoli Auditorium, the free screening of the documentary “Just One Drop” promoted by FIAMO and which will be screened in other ” Italian cities for homeopathy “.
> In Milan, the Belladonna Onlus Federation organizes two meetings on Tuesday 10 April with doctors and professors on the subject: here is the program on the Fiamo website .Â
> In Rome, on Sunday 8 April starting at 9.30, the event entitled: “Scientific Evidence: the Strengths of Homeopathy”, at the Aula Magna of the Waldensian Faculty. The conference will end at 4 pm with a guided tour of the Museum of the History of Homeopathy.Â
These and many other events also in other cities, such as Turin, Livorno, Genoa will be the word of mouth of a message of possible alternative and complementary treatments.Â
Web-based homeopathy support
If you know and use homeopathy , if you have benefited from it or simply like to share an alternative medicine message, it can be seen online.
To contribute electronically to disseminate the campaign, we invite you to use the hashtag  #isupporthomeopathy  on social media, as explained by the Research in Homeopathy website .
The international “isupporthomeopathy” campaign symbolizes enthusiasm and love for homeopathy and how people express it.Â
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