Anxiety and panic attacks, how to solve them?
Hello, I am a 33 year old girl and unfortunately I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for 10 years , but now they make my life unlivable. In fact, I don’t even leave the house anymore and my body suffers from it with chronic fatigue and daily headaches and when I wake up after a nap I have tachycardia and panic … I went to various psychiatrists who have always and only filled me with medicines which I don’t take, especially now that I have a small child. I have recently been going to a psychologist to solve this problem. I also tried Bach flowers … but nothing special. Please give me advice
Health Answers
Good morning Francesca, I think you are following the right path, panic attacks are our way to control the future and since it is impossible I think it is necessary to address the issue with the help of a psychologist who brings out the reason that induces us to want to “control”, where is our real fear that blocks us? As for the Bach flowers, what did you use? Were they recommended to you after a meeting with a Naturopath? they are usually a great help. there are also non-medical patches that help in case of anxiety are called Silent Nigth of Life Wave. They are always aids and supports that do not replace the work with the therapist. A hug with confidence Silvia

Dear Francesca, the hard work you are carrying out could be validly helped by Reiki treatments: when the disorders you manifest arise and persist for a long time, there is no doubt that the energetic situation must be absolutely harmonized. If you don’t know what Reiki is you can read the many articles of mine and colleagues here on natural cures. At your disposal for further information I am sending you a lot of healing Reiki Light.
Dear Francesca, surely asking for help is a first step towards solving problems that afflict us and block the natural flow of things. If we stop to think about what you have written, anxiety, panic attacks are nothing more than the consequence of an extreme fear that, when blocked, leads to the disorders described. If you think it might be helpful to combine the meetings with your psychologist with paths of inner growth and body awareness, do not hesitate to contact me. Cordial greetings. Dr.ssa Manuela Gravante, Psychosomatic Health and Wellness
Hello Francesca, in the case of panic attacks the Bach flowers cannot be used as in cases of simple emotional imbalance: they must be used in a targeted way both in the quantity of drops to be taken and in the quantity of times. What I can recommend is to have a completely new mixture made with all the Bach flowers that make up the Rescue Remedy, therefore: 3 drops of Star of Bethlehem, 3 drops of Cherry Plum, 3 drops of Rock Rose, 3 drops of Impatiens and 3 drops of Clematis, all in a 30ml dark glass bottle. He takes them for a week every 10 minutes pure under the tongue. If alcohol bothers you, make it with apple cider vinegar. Even if the Rescue already done exists it is less powerful than if used in this way. It can also use the o.e. essential cedar of Atlas (of Flora) to put one drop under the sole of the right foot and 1 drop under the sole of the left foot. Finally, you can contact a good foot reflexologist in your area. All this combined with the work she is doing with the psychologist. I remain at your disposal if you need greetings Chiara Sarti Naturopath – Reflexologist

Francesca I carry out a protocol which consists of a Solution Training Session in which she can bring me all the options she deems appropriate to solve her problem, then it will be her body that manages to find the Solutions with which to solve her symptoms in the better way. Thank you. Dr. Domenico Cavallero
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