Anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression

Could my husband already being treated with anxiolytics and antidepressants, but with poor results, only use a homeopathic treatment or Bach flower remedies? Arsenicum album describes it almost perfectly. He is currently being treated with Modalina and Rivotril. I hope for a reply

Health Answers

Hello, I’m sorry to know that the current treatment is not giving the desired result. Allow me a question, is your husband currently being followed by a psychologist / psychotherapist? As for homeopathy, you could turn to a doctor who specializes in homeopathy who can recommend the remedy suitable for the situation your husband is experiencing. For taking Bach flowers, it is not necessary to interrupt the prescribed medical treatment (only a doctor can advise to replace / discontinue a cure). For a correct identification of the remedy, which is best suited to support this moment of difficulty, it is advisable to consult useful to identify the reasons that give rise to these states of anxiety and depression. If you like, I remain available for a first contact or for any other questions.

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