Anti-aging diet, all the tips
The nutrients of the diet can be a very useful weapon to age well , indeed, not to age. According to this article, improving our nutrition allows us to look younger by increasing our immune defenses, regulating digestion and achieving weight stability that is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain after menopause. Here are the suggestions of the experts to make our diet our first beauty cream, the one that everyone will envy us.
The first thing is to drink: keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated, with water, centrifuged and herbal teas, allows us to increase metabolism and regulate our digestion. Furthermore, water is the first weapon to make the skin purer and stimulate cell renewal.
The second thing is to balance the meals: let’s remember that in every meal there must be carbohydrates (better if wholemeal, indeed, switch to wholemeal), proteins and fats. We do not eat pasta and then bread for lunch: we eat little wholemeal pasta and large volumes of vegetables, including vegetables and green leafy vegetables, alternating them with rice, cereals and legumes.
The third thing is to balance the intake of omega3 and omega6:they are fatty acids that must be in balance to give us health and metabolism benefits. We eat fatty fish at least three times a week such as mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies (also good in olive oil) with lots of accompanying vegetables and a little wholemeal bread. When we’re not eating fish, a handful of flaxseed in homemade bread or salads helps complement our omega-3 acid profile. Linseed oil also fulfills this function. For omega6: walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts without exaggeration must be part of our diet, as well as quality vegetable oils: first of all extra virgin olive oil. Don’t you like fish? Take krill oil supplements every day.
The fourth thing is to reduce industrial food, ready-made, beautiful and made products from the supermarket:Â additives, preservatives, salt, sugar make us age faster.
We do not neglect proteins, but vegetable ones : yes to the antioxidants present in soy vegetable proteins and to phytoestrogens for women. Tofu, seitan, tempeh, must become valid substitutes (often, not always) for cheese, meat and cold cuts. Same thing for legumes, while meat is to be limited.
We eat frequently:hunger cramps and fasting are to be avoided absolutely, because they increase the cortisol in the blood, which favors free radicals. We make frequent snacks that keep our blood sugar at bay: yes to red fruits, citrus wedges, Greek yogurt, a handful of almonds, olives or lupins if we love salty, raw fennel and carrots, sliced ​​cucumbers.
Which sugar? If we have not done so, we limit the sucrose in favor of other types of sugar: apple juice, honey, barley malt have a lower glycemic index and especially raw are excellent alternatives.
Long live the crudité:we eat raw vegetables and fruit whenever we can. We munch on a carrot, make field salads, new courgettes, endive, fennel, carrots, radishes, letting them marinate in lemon juice. A good portion of vegetables must be taken raw. And it will be like having bought an expensive cream.
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