Amrap workout for fast weight loss

Amrap workout for fast weight loss


Burn as many calories as possible in the shortest time possible. This is the principle behind AMRAP training, an English acronym that stands for “As many reps (or repetions) possible” or “As many repetitions as possible”.
AMRAP is a type of high intensity training or HIIT where it is required to do a series of exercises in a certain time interval.



For example, do a minimum of 10 squats in 20 seconds and then move on to the next exercise.

In fact, it is not quite correct to say that AMRAP is a training like HIIT, because there is also another difference between the two types of training. In a HIIT workout, there are seconds of rest between exercises. For example I do squats for 50 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. There may be no  seconds of rest in the  AMRAP workout .

An AMRAP workout can also consist of just one exercise: in the case of squats, do as many squats as possible in 20 minutes. If you have a stationary bike, the AMRAP could be: Ride as fast as you can for 10 minutes of time.

The challenge is to start with the minimum number of repetitions and then progressively increase them. And so, in the case of squats, if I can do 10 in 20 seconds, the next time I have to do 10 in less time.

This makes us understand two things. The first is that in essence it is a training challenge in which you try to improve the speed of execution a little at a time to repeat the same exercise as many times as possible.
The second is that AMRAP training is not for everyone: it is for people who are already trained and with good cardiovascular capacity.


    • Unlike other high intensity workouts like Tabata, AMRAP workout is more intense.

      If my goal is to increase the repetitions of an exercise, I will also need to be careful to do it correctly to avoid injury. It goes without saying that the risk of injury is around the corner if the only thing I watch out for is doing the exercise as fast as possible. This is usually already a typical problem with high intensity workouts. It is true that you train and burn many calories in a short time, for example in just fifteen minutes. But it’s also true that if you risk a contracture, you won’t train for the next seven days. Therefore, the correct execution of the exercises is essential.



  • The other drawback is the stress of training.

    As there are not many AMRAP seconds of rest, it is true that the training is short but it is also true that I will not have a moment of breath, putting my body under stress.

  • The benefits are many, at the metabolic level.

    You can burn up to 400 or 500 calories in just 20 minutes. Dr. Jake Erickson of North Dakota State University has shown that 346 calories can be burned in 13 minutes of AMRAP training by having a group of subjects do the training.

  • The other advantage is that with AMRAP training you improve power, strength and coordination.

    So these are effective workouts not only to burn more calories, but to sculpt your physique, reduce body fat, improve coordination.


In this video you will find an AMRAP workout in Italian that can also be done by beginners, because it is based on simple exercises.

Here’s another workout in Italian with a great initial warm-up here, good for those unfamiliar with .

Here a third training (in Italian) of 20 minutes.

In this, an AMRAP workout already more intense than 20 minutes of coach Heather Robertson. 
If you think this workout is too stressful but would like to lose weight, try HIIT with walking.

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