Amino acids for weight loss: do they work?

Amino acids for weight loss: do they work?

In general, I am against the use of amino acids for weight loss. As in general, I am wary of integration especially when not linked to particular needs, such as a deficiency or in case of particular disorders or greater nutritional needs (perhaps because we train).

Furthermore, the supplement market has had a tremendous surge in recent years. The risk, however, is to take products that in the long run can give us side effects, for example they can be toxic to the liver or create intestinal inflammation. Or even hormonal problems.

From this point of view, amino acids are among the safest food supplements for those who want to lose weight, but they must be used.

They are well tolerated, they do not respond to specific deficiencies but rather to metabolic needs, and with a little foresight they can offer a great help for those who want to lose weight, but you just need to know them.

In this article we see some of them.
See also my article on hunger inhibitors. 

Amino acids for weight loss

  1. Taurine.

    Taurine is an amino acid with an antioxidant action, and in general it works as a tonic, as a stimulant, as an energizer. It also gives a small metabolic boost, which is why it should be taken after a meal that contains carbohydrates and within the first part of the day, otherwise it can cause restlessness.It works for those who are dieting and exercising, because it keeps energy levels high. Those who are on a diet often feel tired: this is due to the reduction in calories. As a result, however, without realizing it burns even fewer calories. Taurine cancels this side effect.

  2. Carnitine.

    Carnitine is an amino acid that optimizes lipolysis, that is, it allows the body to burn fat better for energy purposes. Many use it on a ketogenic or low carb diet to enhance the effects. But I find it works much better for losing body fat when paired with a very low fat diet. By limiting fats, the body will use the reserves when we are not eating, during training or while we sleep.
    When to take it? In the case of a low-calorie diet, of any kind.
    Alone it does not make you lose weight, mind you. In the long run, however, it can help reduce body fat even in situations of non-calorie deficit: if you train or if you follow a low-fat diet for a few months.

  3. Glycine.

    This is a bit of a paradox. Glycine is the smallest non-essential amino acid, and is essentially not associated with weight loss. Except in one case which can be applied to many situations. In case of stress. As we know, stress prevents weight loss. Glycine has a strong anti-stress function, more than any other amino acid. It also tends to reduce uric acid.
    It should be taken in the evening, because in association with magnesium it promotes sleep. Due to its anti-stress property, it is indicated in those who follow a low-calorie diet, in those with high cortisol, in those who lead a stressful life for which they do not sleep enough. By lowering the stress of the adrenals, glycine works the miracle of promoting fat loss, especially visceral. Of the amino acids it is the safest.

  4. Phenylalanine.

    Phenylalanine is an amino acid, like the last one we will see, already risky to take, because it is contraindicated in various cases (high blood sugar, gestation, impaired metabolism of phenylalaline) and because it tends to cause intestinal colic. However it can be indicated in some cases, for example in the case of underactive thyroid gland, in case of muscle and joint problems that make it difficult to train, in case of binge eating, because it favors the sense of satiety. However, the dosage must be very minimal. The risk of overdose can have very serious effects.

  5. Tyrosine.

    It is synthesized from phenylalanine, and is important for the formation of thyroid hormones and corticosteroids. Often it is the ingredient in many supplements that are supposed to stimulate the thyroid, but beware, even here the dosage is minimal or you can inflame the thyroid gland. Additionally, increased stress effects can occur. The effect obtained is energizing, practically immediate. But if we feel like we have had a whole coffee shop then we need to reduce the dosage right away. Heartbeat, sweaty palms, changes in body temperature, dizziness, are the first adverse effects.

  6. BCAA

    These are branched chain amino acids, usually sold in different ratios. In some studies, supplementation led to weight loss in some overweight subjects, possibly due to a protein deficiency. Those who eat a good amount of protein generally don’t need it.

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