Am I addicted to milk chocolate?

Am I addicted to milk chocolate?

Hi, I think I have a milk chocolate addiction problem , just that. Since I was a child I have been overusing it and I can’t stop myself. I have been told about studies on the psychology of milk chocolate, which I do not find around, however, others minimize the fact that addiction is caused by sugars that cause arousal. What do you think about it?

Health Answers

Giuseppe Del Signore - Psychologist Viterbo
Dear User, if it is an addiction or an eating disorder it can ONLY be assessed by a psychologist (or psychiatrist) by doing an assessment in person. I do not think it is important to do a research on the “psychology of milk chocolate”, but I believe it is appropriate to discriminate how much this impulse can be considered dysfunctional and therefore compromise his psycho-physical health. Sincerely, Dr. Giuseppe Del Signore – Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Dear user, Chocolate can actually be addictive, I would like to understand if you are using only one brand of chocolate in particular, this is because there are products that have such a combination of ingredients that can create the effect you are exhibiting. In any case, chocolate, sugar and fats constitute a set of elements that trigger addiction-dependence reactions, I recommend if you are interested in an interesting reading that can help you understand what is triggered in the body when we take particular combinations of foods. Having said that, it is necessary to understand if there is an emotional connection around this “compulsive” attitude. Try together with a professional to establish a recovery meal plan, in order to integrate it in a sensible way, but also to evaluate if there are imbalances of other substances that induce it to search for them in chocolate. Finally in theflower therapy can find a little help, there are in fact some “flowers” whose action is aimed precisely at understanding and solving these problems. At your disposal:


Silvia Errico
Hi Francesco, what I would ask myself is what do I feel when I drink milk chocolate? what feelings or emotions do I experience? This question may seem trivial but it is not. We often associate smells, flavors, music, songs with some emotions and subconsciously every time we feel the need to try them again in some way we find ourselves performing the same actions. Let me explain better with an example: has it ever happened to you that one morning when you feel full of energy, and you are happy, get in the car, turn on the radio and stop on a cheerful, rhythmic song that reflects your mood ? The song ends and a sad, slow tone begins and you say “no” and you change until you find a another song that reflects your emotion? This tip could be the first step for you to understand what is behind your craving for milk chocolate. READ MORE REDUCE
Marialetizia Nigro
Hi Francesco, first of all best wishes! Of course, chocolate in itself is a substance that can be a little addicting due to some elements it contains, such as tryptophan, phenylethylamine and anandamine. These substances cause a feeling of well-being and a consequent relaxing effect on our emotional and physical state. I would ask myself, though, if there is also an underlying psychological reason that pushes you to seek this comfort. In my case, as a BFRP Bach Flower Consultant I would recommend a personalized consultation, during which you can understand the emotional situation you live and choose the appropriate Bach Remedies, including those that can help you eliminate this addiction. I stress that it would also be important to resolve any underlying emotional problem. READ EVERYTHINGREDUCE

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