Alzheimer’s risk, the food that reduces it

Alzheimer’s risk, the food that reduces it

The risk of Alzheimer’s could be reduced at the table according to a group of researchers at the University of California . It would be enough to eat two portions of grapes a day.

And when it is not possible because it is not in season , drink a grape juice like this in the doses of 200 ml per day:  Organic Black Grape Juice 1 Lt.

Grapes, because they do not affect blood sugar, can be consumed in association with a protein meal: for example after dinner, if we eat meat or fish or eggs or cheese.

Or as a snack, in portions of 100 grams or 100 ml of juice, in association with an unsweetened low-fat white yogurt.

But why would grapes reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s?

Grapes would help preserve and improve the metabolism of certain areas of the brain.

After six months of curing grapes , in fact, the researchers made a PET scan of a group of patients with senile dementia and mild / medium-sized Alzheimer’s, finding significant improvements.

The reason, according to the researchers, could be in grape polyphenols , which would reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by also reducing the oxidative stress of the cerebral cortex. And their anti-inflammatory properties.

The only drawback: the study was commissioned by the California Table Grape Commission, basically a Californian grape consortium.

However, the studies on the antioxidant substances contained in fresh fruit and vegetables are many, so there is no need to scream scandal.

Numerous studies have already linked the action of resveratrol, an antioxidant substance contained in red wine and grapes, to a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s as well as other diseases related to senile dementia and motor / cognitive decline.

However, supplements based on resveratrol have not been shown to be as effective as food that contains it naturally.
Resveratrol is linked to improved symptoms in both animals ( source ) and humans ( source ).

To find out more, I invite you to read the results of the studies on resveratrol discussed at the latest international congresses on Alzheimer’s: here. 

Resveratrol is contained in the skin of red grapes, wine, blueberries, peanuts and dark chocolate.
So, if we don’t like grapes, we can drink cranberry or black cranberry juice, consume more bitter cocoa and dark chocolate.

Wine contains little, but a glass of red wine a day has multiple effects on stress as well.

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