Alessia Marcuzzi’s advice to lose weight: inappropriate?

Alessia Marcuzzi’s advice to lose weight: inappropriate?

I had to read the interview, making sure they were exactly his words, and the quotes are there. The presenter Alessia Marcuzzi, to a question from the journalist on how to keep fit , said: “ I am an advocate of pasta at dinner, every evening, it allows me to sleep well. The children have changed me and I tell everyone to have children because after you lose weight, at least that’s what happened to me “.

Inappropriate advice for two reasons: although I do not think women can want a child to lose weight, the phrase ” I tell everyone to have children because then you lose weight “, maybe a joke, is disrespectful towards those who would like to have a child but maybe he fails to do so, and inappropriately approaches the choice of having children with the idea of ​​weight loss . Having children is serious business, not buying a supplement,
you are talking about human beings. It would have made more sense to say “I have lost a lot of weight as a result of the pregnancies, the children have changed my life”.

The other reason is the fact that many women, unlike the beautiful presenter , gain weight with pregnancy , a weight that they then dispose of with difficulty: they need a lot of help and encouragement, and maybe some real advice. Since Marcuzzi is a public figure, followed by a large number of women and mothers, I would expect different advice, especially regarding physical fitness, because so many people literally hang from the lips of the characters of the show, as we know, and therefore these for once they could be an example , perhaps sponsoring healthy eating habits .

Clearly, this is my opinion, but some more sensible advice (that of pasta at dinner seems excellent to me) would be better than a joke thrown there, which the newspapers have reinterpreted by writing: ” Diet, the strange advice of Alessia Marcuzzi “.


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