After intermittent fasting, here is intermittent fitness
You have no doubt heard often in recent years of a practice known as intermittent fasting, which consists of eating within certain times and skipping meals at other times: in this article, 5 types are listed .
But perhaps you have not yet heard of Intermittent Fitness, a type of physical activity that is done in your spare time but allows you to burn more calories than going to the gym and stimulates the metabolism. An intelligent solution that can also be combined with intermittent fasting for those who want to lose weight from 6 to 7 kilos a month while toning the body at the same time, as suggested by Tom Holland, sports physiologist and personal trainer.
Intermittent Fitness alone, that is, without changing your diet, would allow you to lose 3 kg per month, focusing on body fat.
But how does it work?
Unlike Intermittent Fasting which is done essentially dividing the day in two between the hours you eat and those you don’t eat, for example skipping dinner and fasting until the next morning, Intermittent Fitness is practiced from ten to twenty or thirty times a day, but in my spare time. Basically, in these spare time micro-workouts are done, usually one every hour, lasting a few minutes.
For example, a maximum of two to 5 minutes of training including breaks. The metabolic and fat loss efficacy has been scientifically proven on sedentary and heavily overweight subjects, as I already explain here.
The micro workouts are free body, with elastic bands or with small weights. Each micro-workout is based on a single exercise that must be done for a total of 15-75 seconds at the maximum possible speed, then 10 seconds of pause are made and is repeated for another 3 or 4 times.
Those who are more practical can also perform different exercises. Let’s see how to do it in practice, with the help of free videos that you simply have to follow.
First, let’s decide what time to start and finish our intermittent fitness. We schedule 10 to 12 micro-workouts throughout the day, for a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes each. We have to do one per hour if possible.
So if for example the first micro-training is at ten in the morning, the last one will be at eight in the evening and so we can do ten.
Of these micro-workouts, some will only be cardiovascular, for example 5 out of 10. The rest will be bodyweight exercises.
Let’s see some he knows how to follow to start, I chose them in Italian.
Just remember to do one every hour and do a minimum of 10.
5-minute cardio fat burn
5-minute full-body warm-up or skip-free warm-up
5-minute cardio
workout 5-minute fat burner
Quick workout
Tonic arms in 3 minutes
Shoulders, chest and breasts in 5 minutes
Legs and buttocks in 5 minutes
Glute mini workout
Abdominals in 5 minutes
This is for those who want to do a mixed workout.
Otherwise you can do micro workouts based on a single exercise for each workout.
For example.
5 minutes of jumping jacks, with 40 seconds of exercise and 20 seconds of pause repeated 5 times.
3 minutes of burpees, with 50 seconds of burpees and 10 seconds of rest 3 times.
5 minutes of squats, with 40 seconds of exercise, 20 of rest 5 times.
4 minutes of pushups with 30 seconds of pushups, 30 seconds of rest for 4 times.
And so on.
The important thing is that when we do the exercise we do it at maximum speed.
Finally, for those who want to associate intermittent fasting with this practice, it is necessary to remember to do it when we eat, or in the hours before and after.
In this case, intermittent fasting will consist of skipping one meal and maintaining two. For example I fast with breakfast and lunch but we skip dinner. Then we can start training at 8 in the morning and finish at 6 in the afternoon. Or do you skip breakfast and eat from noon to eight in the evening? In this case, the first training session is at eleven, the last at nine in the evening.
Here are two ways to follow an easy intermittent fast.
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