Aesthetic Foot Surgery, it’s the boom year

Aesthetic Foot Surgery, it’s the boom year

cinderella-surgery-feet-plastic-surgeryThe desire to have a Cinderella  or Barbie foot for many women has caused cosmetic foot surgery to experience a real boom in demand this year, starting with the United States. As this patient’s case, published in The Express , reveals, women resort to cosmetic foot surgery to have smaller, more tapered feet with shorter toes, so that they can painlessly wear impossible shoes, very high heels and with a narrow tip. Shoes often cause plantar, postural and conformation problems in women , such as hallux valgus.

In short, if the solution cannot be to wear more comfortable shoes, then we turn to the surgeon, generally to ask for the shortening of the big toe or little finger (operation known as Perfect 10) or on the contrary the lengthening of the toes (the Model T), or finally Cinderella Surgery, which provides for a global aesthetic remodeling. In short, cosmetic surgery can realize the female dream of having Barbie feet, with the only problem that Barbie as a doll has never stood up. Not surprisingly, the risk of these interventions is very high .

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