Activation of NKT cells linked to weight loss and blood sugar

Activation of NKT cells linked to weight loss and blood sugar

One of the reasons people get fat is because of a defense mechanism in the body. We think of our fat as something inert, which is useless, but in reality many things happen at the adipose level, the adipose tissue communicates with the rest of the body, reacts to internal and external stresses, in short, it is active as it would be active any of our organs.
I mean that if we tend to accumulate fat, there is a reason . It could be that we eat too much for our energy needs

But other factors may also come into play that cause us to gain weight.
One of these factors is immune. What does it mean?

We know that the adipocytes we have do not change in number since childhood, but that if we get fat they accumulate triglycerides and swell (= adipocyte hypertrophy). Yet there are circumstances in which the number of adipocytes changes, or in which the adipocytes replicate: these borderline cases known as adipocyte hyperplasia occur when the adipocytes can no longer accumulate triglycerides and swell in volume, so it is need to increase in number. If we gain a lot of weight, if we have behaviors that the body deems harmful, for example heavy hormone and drug therapy can change our weight set point, but also a history of alcohol or drug addictions.

From this point of view, it is no coincidence that people with obesity have fewer NKT cells: they are T lymphocytes , cells of the immune system called killer cells because they attack all other abnormal cells (including cancer cells). Obese people have fewer of them,
and at the same time they also produce fewer cytokines, so their immune systems work less efficiently.
Probably this happens because fat is already a defense mechanism of our body. So much so that often body fat becomes the consequence of particular syndromes or even of insulin resistance alone.
According to experts, stimulating the production of NKT cells reduces not only body fat, but also blood sugar.This is because it would activate thermogenesis and the transformation of white fat cells into brown adipose tissue, with a consequent increase in daily energy expenditure and weight loss. But how to make more NKT cells?
At the moment there are three therapies on which studies are focused: the first, immunostimulating, based on   α-Galactosylceramide , which would cause the proliferation of cytokines. The second with liraglutide (in Italy for example Saxenda), which would induce a sense of greater satiety in obese subjects, but which in case of NKT cell deficiency would not induce the formation of  FGF21 , a hormone that regulates blood sugar. Therefore the weight loss would be less ( source ). The third would be a therapy based on FGF21 for those suffering from type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, severe obesity.
So if your doctor is offering you a therapy, try to propose these alternatives and discuss them with him in particular by informing you about the existence of side effects. 

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