Activate the autonomic nervous system and self-balance

Activate the autonomic nervous system and self-balance

In this article we would like to consider the autonomic nervous system. It is part of the peripheral nervous system and takes care of all those functions that are not controlled by our will. However, there is also a subtle aspect of this system that is not commonly known, namely that the autonomic nervous system can be used to bring us back to balance if properly activated. Let’s see how to activate the medium for the diffusion and use of our inner energies

Activate the autonomic nervous system and self-balance

In a previous article on the relationship between naturopathy and the nervous system , a presentation of the general nervous system and how we can intervene with natural methods to act on a subtle level was given.

In this article we would like to consider the  autonomic nervous system . It is part of the peripheral nervous system and takes care of all those functions that are not controlled by our will. To give an example, when we start running, the heart rate automatically accelerates and when we stop, the heart rate automatically decelerates. If we are afraid, also in this case the heart rhythm accelerates automatically. These functions take place precisely thanks to the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system is divided into two systems: the  sympathetic nervous system  and the  parasympathetic nervous system ; they have antagonistic functions: that of stimulating the first and that of inhibiting the second. So it will be the sympathetic system to accelerate the heart rhythm (in the case of the example above) and it will be the parasympathetic to bring the heart rhythm back to normal.

This is roughly what is known on a physical level.

However, there is also a subtle aspect of this system that is not commonly known, namely that the  autonomic nervous system  can be used to bring us back to balance if properly activated. In fact, this system is not only the means for the propagation of nerve impulses, but also the means for the diffusion and use of our inner energies.
In particular, this subtle level system is divided into three energy channels:  Ida Nadi ,  Pingala Nadi  and  Sushumna Nadi  (in Sanskrit).


Ida Nadi is the channel on the left, it is a lunar channel (in Chinese tradition it is the Yin) and provides energy for our emotional activities. The Pingala Nadi is the right channel, it is a solar channel (in the Chinese tradition it is Yang) and provides energy for our physical and mental activities. Finally, the Sushumna Nadi is the central channel (in the Chinese tradition it is called Zhong or Shen) it is the channel of evolution and corresponds to the integration of the right and left channels, integration that occurs when one is in perfect balance.

What commonly happens is that we draw power from the left and right channels, while the center channel is not active. When we consume too much energy from these channels we don’t know how to replenish it and then they run out; we can therefore have undesirable effects of which we are not very aware at the beginning, but which can lead to real long-term dysfunctions or diseases. And what makes it worse is the fact that we are unable to know what works and what doesn’t work within us until the moment we get sick.
By activating the central channel, our Sushumna Nadi, it is possible not only to replenish the energy that has been exhausted, but also to restore our energy system to normal. Furthermore, through the complex and extensive network of internal connections, our nervous system also turns out to be a system that constantly monitors our internal state; so at any moment it is possible for us to know how we are, that is, we are able to carry out a  self-diagnosis .

Until this mechanism is implemented within us, we do not realize the great value and the innovative aspect that it presents. Never before has it been possible to make such knowledge available on a mass level: this knowledge was reserved for a few, very few yoga masters.


How do you activate your autonomic nervous system?

Again the answer is simple, it is simple – of course – in case you know it.
From ancient times, the knowledge of our subtle system and of the presence in our  sacrum  (probably the Greeks had guessed its value in naming it that way) of an energy called  Kundalini in Sanskrit has been known .

The Kundalini is found in our sacrum from birth and thus remains in a latent state unless awakened. The awakening of the Kundalini cannot be forced, it can only happen naturally, just like any living process.
Once this energy is awakened, it rises up the central channel and comes out of the fontanel bone (on the top of the head, at the Sahasrara chakra) to unite with the all-pervading cosmic energy; this connection is called  Yoga , which means “union”.


At this point it is clear how it is possible to tap into an infinite source of energy, which will then help the Ida and Pingala channels rebalance themselves. This energy is, as we said, able to activate the autonomic nervous system, in the sense that it allows us to perceive our inner state on our hands (in a similar way to reflexology) through clear signals that we can learn to identify.
This mechanism – really very simple and immediate, so much so that even children are able to manage it – is called  Self Realization .

Indeed, improved health is only a “side effect” of restoring our state of inner balance, but the ultimate goal of Yoga is to fully realize oneself

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