Abdominal fat, the advice of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi
Is localized fat and especially abdominal fat a consequence of how (badly) our hormones work?
This is what Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , nutritionist and inventor of the molecular method applied to nutrition says, who explains how the way in which we accumulate fat in the body depends on the influence of male and female hormones. For example, in women the action of estrogen favors the accumulation of fat on the side and thighs. In men, excess testosterone causes fat on the upper body.
However, abdominal fat is the type of fat you need to be careful about.
An increase in abdominal fat corresponds to an increase in the production of cytokines, which are particular inflammatory molecules.
If the localized fat is on the abdomen or upper back (chest, belly, stomach) for both men and women, to have a flat stomach and a drier upper part, you need to keep 3 hormones under control, according to Dr. Rossi.
That is insulin, glucagon and cortisol.
When our body produces too much insulin after a meal, there is a risk of converting what we eat into fat.
Insulin is typically produced by the pancreas in two situations: in the presence of too many carbohydrates and in the presence of too many proteins.
So those who want to lose their belly and have the classic “apple body” should pay attention to this hormone: how?
By reducing the glycemic load and therefore the glycemic peak of the meal.
For example, preferring foods with a low glycemic index or balancing carbohydrates such as pasta, bread or rice (medium or high glycemic index) with many vegetables.
In particular, the doctor recommends whole grain cereals, and not reduced to flour, for their contribution of water-soluble fibers that increase the sense of satiety and promote intestinal regularity. For example rye, barley or oat grains. Or brown rice.
If the blood sugar and insulin levels remain low, glucagon comes into play, the hormone that promotes weight loss by emptying the adipocytes to produce readily available energy.
However, as you will see below, it is good to remember that the best thing would be to balance the action of these hormones. So it’s not a “bad insulin and good glucagon” talk, as you will read below.
In fact it doesn’t end there.
Those with abdominal fat problems should not only be careful with insulin, but also with cortisol, the stress hormone responsible for weight gain in the upper body.
This hormone attacks lean mass and instead promotes fat mass production. This happens in two ways. People who produce too much cortisol have been shown to burn only a small amount of fat for energy purposes ( source ).
So the fats that we eat in our diet end up becoming stored fats. It also causes resistance to insulin: this means having a risk of high blood sugar, which is then followed by drops in blood sugar that make us feel weak and stimulate the hunger for sugary carbohydrates.
One thing to avoid, for example, are low-carb diets, which lead to prolonged action of glucagon and a state of ketosis that increases cortisol in the blood as soon as possible. As we have said, the three hormones must be in balance.
For this reason, a balanced diet, i.e. with carbohydrates, is always preferable to a ketogenic or protein-only diet.
Here are some examples of diet based on the molecular method of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi.
Diet to reduce the belly and cleanse the liver (in men and women).
Molecular diet to reduce belly and thighs (hormonal balance in women).Â
To read Dr. Rossi’s post on localized fat and slimming, here it is on his fb page .
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