A2Z: the fat-free diet for fast weight loss

A2Z: the fat-free diet for fast weight loss

The A2Z Fat Free Diet is a very simple diet to follow to effectively lose not only weight but excess body fat, without regaining it as long as you continue to follow the program in its general lines. It is a diet conceived by Adrian Yeo , a doctor and researcher  at the University of Cambridge , as well as a political figure, who has developed a method to lose weight and maintain results without effort, a method that he has been following for 25 years. , after heart problems and overweight that prompted him to change his life and diet (at the end of the book he publishes his analyzes before and after the diet). The author defines it as the easiest diet in the world : the A2Z fat-free diet divides foods into three categories.Category A stands for foods “to satiety”, category 2 stands for foods to be divided in two, that Z stands for zero , that is foods that must be eliminated or reduced as much as possible. Here are the foods by category.

Category A, foods to eat to your fill : all vegetables and all fruit. You can eat them several times a day, alone or combined with other foods. They must not be weighed or measured.

Category 2, food to be divided into 2: pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, cereals and low-fat baked goods (normal or wholemeal bread, biscuits, crackers) meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and legume products, milk and milk vegetable, yogurt, honey, sugar or jams, sweets. All these foods should be consumed in half a portion when cooked compared to the usual portion, without exclusion. So the rule is to eat half of what we usually eat of already cooked foods and prefer whole forms over refined ones for carbohydrates. The category includes protein foods, as long as they are lean. Meat and fish must be defatted, skin removed and all foods in this category must be cooked with very little fat, therefore never fried, etc.
Desserts and baked goods fall into this category as long as they are light: a tart or cake without butter or oil falls into category 2, as well as a roast meat.

Category Z, foods to be reduced to zero or almost zero: this category includes all fatty condiments, oil, butter, margarine, etc., but also very fatty foods such as aged cheeses, fatty red meats, bacon and cured meats (apart from lean ones), overly fatty fish, nuts and oil seeds, chocolate, fried foods of all kinds. They should be reduced as much as possible: oil and fatty condiments should hardly be present, except in minimal doses, such as a maximum teaspoon per meal.
This way you eat your fill, don’t count calories and lose weight.In fact, Dr. Yeo explains that it is not true that fats do not make you fat: fatty foods are more caloric and when they are in excess they are converted directly into body fat (unless you exclude carbohydrates from your life). Combined with daily movement (your doctor suggests walking every day and getting to ten thousand steps a day) and ten indicative glasses of water a day, the A2Z fat-free diet allows you to lose weight quickly and maintain results forever.

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