A weight loss habit that really works

A weight loss habit that really works

A habit to lose weight that really works, as the title says, and that allows you to respect the diet but also have a free spot for a tasty snack or whatever makes you happy. I’ll tell you: the trick works.

This is the secret that follows the mother of the famous editor Geraldine Campbell, a professional runner worldwide, who maintains her lean and lean physique even now that she is well 70 years old, explains the daughter.
A habit that has allowed her to always keep her figure despite menopause and pregnancies, and to have a lean and athletic body that still allows her to run like a pro.

In fact, Campbell has stated that she has followed this rule since she gained ten pounds more after the two pregnancies, which did not allow her to run at the same levels as when she was a girl.

There is only one habit to lose weight that has allowed her to lose 10 kilos in a short time and to maintain the results without effort.
That is to have the same breakfast and the same lunch every day, thus leaving dinner free.


In fact, it is a question of having the same meal for lunch every day, with minimal variations. And roughly the same breakfast.
Lunch must have a maximum of 400 calories, breakfast 250.

This allows you to have 700 calories free for the evening for a more rewarding meal and weight loss. The important thing is to have the same meal every lunch and stay at breakfast as long as we want to lose weight. In the maintenance we add something to breakfast.
Easier than that! Let’s see in which cases it works, for whom this trick is suitable and why it works above all.


This trick, if we want to call it that, works on all those people who work during the day and have dinner as their only full or family meal later in the day.
And to all people who tend to overeat at dinner in general. The evening is often the time when you want to unplug, and many people who arrive at the end of the day indulge in something too much at the table.

We are realistic. If we have this lifestyle, it is very unlikely that we will be able to change it for the purpose of losing weight. On the contrary.
As I always say, our weaknesses, the ones that have so far made us fail every diet, can instead become strategies for losing weight. It is enough to know them and know how to exploit them with intelligence.

Who, on the other hand, is this famous athlete’s makeup not suitable for? To all those who suffer from reflux, but also to those who suffer from diabetes. Reflux sufferers need to stay light at dinner (see reflux diet ). Diabetes sufferers should prefer a very abundant breakfast, a moderate lunch and a very light dinner (see breakfast diet ).
Why does this weight loss habit work in all other cases?

First of all, the monotony of a meal that is always the same for breakfast and lunch tends to dampen our hunger. Secondly, we can prepare the meal in advance, avoiding arriving hungry.
Third, we make sure that that meal provides us with the right nutrients.

So let’s see the scheme of the 250-calorie breakfast and 400-calorie lunch to be taken every day to lose weight. And how to regulate ourselves during the day so as not to feel deprived.

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