A trick to eat less

A trick to eat less

Researchers at the University of Southern California have tried to determine whether or not there is a really effective trick to make people with uncontrolled hunger and nervousness eat less. First of all, they focused on the quality of the food, thinking that giving a week old popcorn instead of fresh popcorn to the group of participants taken as samples, could distract them from hunger; it didn’t happen. People prone to nervous hunger have eaten exactly the same amount of popcorn or pizza regardless of its condition – what does that mean? Without going so far as to keep the pizza from going rancid or the popcorn from getting old, the researchers confirmed that for those suffering from nervous hunger, making food less tempting and tasty is a trick that doesn’t work .

This is because people suffering from nervous hunger are prey to real attacks, in which they eat quickly the first thing that happens: hunger must therefore be neutralized with a behavior that reduces impulsiveness, making the act of eating more aware. and therefore to be able to interrupt it. Thus, the researchers asked the group of participants for a curious thing: to eat with the wrong hand.
That is, if you are right-handed, eat with your left, if you are left-handed, eat with your right. In this way, by breaking an automatism, those suffering from nervous hunger are forced to focus on food.

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