A nutrient-poor diet causes life-long harm

A nutrient-poor diet causes life-long harm

junk-foodA diet low in fruit and vegetables and highly nutritious foods (good quality animal and vegetable proteins, whole-grain carbohydrates, legumes, nuts, seeds, good quality fats, etc.) but rich in refined foods and processed foods (bread, rice , white pasta; sugar and various types of sweets; refined flour foods; poor quality proteins such as canned foods, cured meats and processed meats, ready meals; freeze-dried vegetables such as canned soups and creams), c causes damage to health throughout life , we would say almost irreversible. In fact, until now it was thought that it was enough to change diet to immediately obtain important results: instead it is the opposite. The harms of a diet low in healthful foods and full of foods full of sugar, fiber free and full of salt are long -lasting, and change the way genes behave – that is, it creates epigenetic damage.

This is the news reported today by the Dailymail , according to which it would no longer be enough to convert to a healthy diet, but it would be necessary to do it as soon as possible to limit the damage. In particular, the epigenetic “modifications” of which a diet poor in nutrients would be particularly responsible are those of a greater predisposition to atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, and the decrease in immune defenses. In short: according to this research, conducted by the Dutch University of Leiden, it is necessary to change diet immediately , drastically and forever, in order to avoid incurring serious and even lasting risks for our health.

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