A help to lose weight? Organize your fridge like this

A help to lose weight? Organize your fridge like this

Are you looking for help to lose weight? Instead of following a few quick diets, start with some best eating habits, and cleanse your diet of the superfluous. I know I know. Having said that, it sounds easy, but making these changes by putting health first is a wise choice, it is good for the body and allows you to lose weight without particular restrictions, but only with a better choice of foods to bring to the table. Today, for example, I’m talking about the refrigerator: according to an analysis by Slim by Design , a study that for years has shown how the environment favors overweight.(how we eat at work, supermarkets, places where we go to eat, habits, and even how we relate to family and friends, canteens, etc.), organizing the fridge in a different way allows us to eat in a healthier way, and it is an aid to lose weight little by little.

For example: in the central and most visible parts of the refrigerator, seasonal fruit and vegetables should be placed, on top of protein foods such as eggs, meat and fish (obviously raw and covered with film), low-fat Greek yogurt; underneath we can put brown rice, wholemeal pasta and whole grains already cooked, that is boiled very al dente and seasoned with a teaspoon of oil: these sources of complex carbohydrates if cooked, cooled and heated lose part of their glycemic index / load, moreover they allow us to make quick meals on the fly. When we open the refrigerator, the first immediately visible choices must be those with the lowest energy density(such as fruit and vegetables) and also in the pantry it is good to place boxes of legumes, natural tuna, preserves without oil, wholemeal bread and wholemeal slices on the first floor.

Behind these things, both in the refrigerator and in the pantry the most energetically dense foods must be placed, for example sweets, spreads and so on.
But why would this simple reorganization help with weight loss? I’ll explain it to you with two reasons, in addition to the research data , which explains that those who organized the fridge in this way were thinner, while those who had the pantry or the fridge with sweets, creams, fatty cheeses in plain sight, tended to a nine / fourteen pounds overweight. The first reason is that we are lazy and always try to optimize time to our advantage.

If you are tired (or tired) open the fridge and first you find some chocolate puddings, ready meals bought at the supermarket, some pickles, guess what you will tend to eat first?
The second reason is that the visual impact of food educates us in a certain way , that is, it conditions our behavior. This thing that seems far-fetched to you is the rule that food manufacturers use to influence consumer choices at the supermarket, for example it is the reason why some sweet snacks are found near the checkout. You stand in line, you look at them and you end up buying them. Try keeping a bowl of candy that you wouldn’t typically buy on your desk or in the center of the table. In all likelihood, after a couple of days, by dint of always keeping them under your eyes, you will eat them.

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