A dietary and satiating menu at only 350 calories

A dietary and satiating menu at only 350 calories

During holiday periods or when we want to go on a diet, we often go in search of a diet menu that works as a compensation meal or that can work within our weight loss plan or that can afford us a “wild card” when we are hungry but unclear ideas for nourishing ourselves while keeping calories under control.
For all these situations, this simple and satiating diet menu of only 350 calories , consisting of a single plate and a small portion of fruit, constitutes a very simple alternative to traditional meals, an effective compensation meal if we have eaten too much or a meal which can be used for lunch if we are on a diet.
What’s special about it? 
It is a menu full of hydrated and high satiety foods. It is perfectly balanced, with a low glycemic load, with a content of about 8 grams of fat, 40 of carbohydrates and 30 of proteins (for the variant with meat and fish). Here’s how to do it.

CALORIES Single dish / main dish: 

100 g of boiled potatoes cut into chunks
a level teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)
a squeeze of lemon juice,
salt and pepper, a pinch of mustard (optional) o Tabasco sauce (optional)
100 gr of raw fennel or raw cucumber or raw celery cut into thin slices
100 gr of mixed salad
150 gr of lean chicken breast or lean turkey or 100 gr of tofu or 120 gr of sponge beans boiled or 150 grams of canned meat in jelly or natural tuna or 150 grams of cottage cheese.

Procedure: just mix all the ingredients after having cooked the meat and potatoes separately.
to finish the meal …
a deflating tea with fennel seeds without sugar or a coffee without sugar + 50 grams of apple with the peel cut into thin slices and passed ten minutes in the oven at 170 ° with a sprinkling of cinnamon. As an alternative to apple: 100 grams of strawberries or melon or watermelon.

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