A database for homeopathy scientific studies

A database for homeopathy scientific studies

Thanks to FIAMO we now have the opportunity to consult online a database full of studies in the homeopathic field, an all-Italian work of research and amalgamation of 70 years of studies.

A database for homeopathy scientific studies

But did you know that we have the ” Homeopathy Database ” available online for everyone? More than 1000 studies on homeopathic remedies that have been published from 1949 to the present day.

Thanks to FIAMO , the Italian Federation of Homeopathic Associations and Doctors , a real database has been created where it is possible to benefit from the most important research in the field of homeopathy , regardless of the results achieved.

1087 studies and reviews on homeopathic medicines are collected and indexed , found in various medical scientific databases and brought together in a single large free consultation tool.

The structure of the database

The Homeopathy Database is structured in 9 sections by type of study:

1.  agro-homeopathy with reported biological effects of homeopathic medicines in experimental seedlings;
2. research on the physico-chemical properties of homeopathic solutions;
3.  in vivo and in vitro preclinical studies on the application of homeopathic medicines;
4. RCT studies : a collection of randomized single or double-blind studies with respect to placebo or allopathic remedies;
5. clinical studies with observations on the effects of long-term homeopathic administration ;
6. collection of clinical cases treated with homeopathic remedies;
7.  systematic qualitative reviewshomeopathic remedies;
8. systematic reviews with meta-analyzes to structure statistics ;
9. studies of homeopathy applied in the veterinary field .

The address to log in to access the consultation of the studies thus structured is  databaseomeopatia.alfatechint.com .

It is possible to find the articles of interest by applying the search filters available such as year of publication, author and keywords .


The meaning of a homeopathy database

Such a structured database of homeopathic research is a great tool that makes us understand how, despite the many discussions regarding the effectiveness of these diluted remedies, there are scientific interests that analytically lead to studies of this medicine and its effects. , with the application of scrupulous and serious methods.

The intent is that of an objective analysis of this branch with the contribution of all the researchers  who, from the 1950s to today, have dedicated themselves to it, with more or less successful results.

The fact that it is an “Italian” database is a strong sign of openness towards this approach to personal care and not just the disease , which gives hope to the possibility of getting out of strict protocols and personalizing the therapeutic approach as much as possible in a integration path: S imilia Similibus Curantur .


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