Vitamin C deficiency
Hi, I’m Anna 39 years old. I don’t eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (almost nothing, I hate them as a child) I read on Wikipedia that the Rosehip fruit  contains 100 times more Vitamin C than oranges and lemons. I would like to know more, how to use them and where I can find them without spending a fortune in herbalists, maybe there is some site? .. Thanks
Health Answers

Hello, it is unthinkable to maintain good health without taking fruit and vegetables … it is better to eat than to “spend a fortune” on supplements (which should never be used as substitutes, in fact they have the task of “integrating”) or medicines in case his body is no longer able to sustain all the deficiencies caused by this type of diet. She will have to make an effort to use it in all conscience on a daily basis, perhaps starting with small amounts of food that gives her less “discomfort”, in the form of juices or smoothies … The problem is not just about vitamin C , but the lack of all other vitamins , minerals and enzymes essential for proper cellular functioning. Greetings
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