Can bread and pasta be eliminated from the diet?

Can bread and pasta be eliminated from the diet?

What are the consequences of eliminating pasta and bread from the diet? How long can I do this? Does it make sense to replace them with other types of cereals (spelled bread, oat grains with vegetables for lunch, kamut …)? The important thing is that I manage to lose a few kg and in addition to eliminating sweets, I know that I must also eliminate or limit the other carbohydrates I take in the 3 main meals. Thanks for your advice.

Health Answers

Sandra Carlotto Naturopath

of course you can eliminate wheat bread and pasta from your diet, I would say without any consequences, even for a long time. just include the consumption of whole grains and whole, that is, not flours. in order to lose weight this would also be a good choice. compared to the total elimination of carbohydrates, I remove the refined ones in flour and add the wholemeal ones in grains. therefore learn to eat spelled , kamut , barley , oats , millet , all of which are whole. a small amount is enough to feel full and have a lot of energy and their digestion is more efficient. weight loss will occur gradually, but will last with a general improvement in metabolism. I greet you.


Anna Maria Pisano
Not only is it possible to eliminate them from the diet, but it would be recommended to do so for most Italians. It is possible to replace the classic wheat with other noble cereals, such as Kamuth, Rice or Spelled, or by integrating cereals less used in our cuisine, but delicious and very nutritious such as Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Buckwheat , the vein. Just go to an organic shop and the choice is huge. I also suggest preferring the grains of these cereals that are prepared like rice, leaving them to soak for 30 minutes and cooking them slowly.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello Sonia, A reduction in the daily diet of bread and pasta, therefore carbohydrates in general, makes sense if we think that they are generally consumed refined and in large quantities. The information concerned by the food industries, aimed at promoting their consumption, confuses the ideas of the unsuspecting consumer, so in general we must reduce them, but with conscience. The favored cereals are those naturally free (or low content) of gluten, and absolutely wholemeal or semi-wholemeal, then we will favor rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet .. The tolerance of these or other cereals is absolutely subjective and variable considering the individual predispositions. Kamut, I remember, is not an ancient cereal, and it does not have that fascinating history that we read from time to time, and it is not suitable for celiacs, but it is a registered trademark that contains the characteristics of a cereal whose name is Khorasan, and whose fame is exquisitely Italian, followed in line by France and Germany! Staying on the subject, to get better, more than to lose weight, I suggest you limit the consumption of carbohydrates by three in the afternoon, until now, physiologically the body is predisposed to control the glycemic index, while in the evening for to do this we need to take proteins, (including vegetables). In fact, we know that blood sugar control is essential for losing weight and staying healthy as well as for controlling hunger. milk and derivatives for well-known reasons it is better to eliminate it with a considerable improvement of the whole organism, by adopting these precautions you will notice almost immediately that you will begin to deflate and then to lose weight. It is understood that when it comes to carbohydrates, sweets and candies must be included! In the meantime, increase your fiber with portions of vegetables and fruit between meals, move a lot and drink still water throughout the day, having no more precise information about your person, I can limit myself to suggesting these few things. I forgot that the quality control of fats in baked products is very important. However, I hope I have been useful to you. kind regards. move a lot and drink still water throughout the day, since I don’t have more precise information about who you are, I can limit myself to suggesting these few things. I forgot that the quality control of fats in baked products is very important. However, I hope I have been useful to you. kind regards. move a lot and drink still water throughout the day, since I don’t have more precise information about who you are, I can limit myself to suggesting these few things. I forgot that the quality control of fats in baked products is very important. However, I hope I have been useful to you. kind regards.

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