I have a gallbladder stone, in my situation is it necessary to have an operation?

I have a gallbladder stone, in my situation is it necessary to have an operation?

Good morning, I’m Renata, a 61-year-old lady who had heart surgery 25 years ago, then for three years I suffered from pericarditis, then 10 years ago I had a bladder operation and then a bowel neoplasm without the need for chemotherapy. I have had a 2.5 cm colic stone for some time, but in the last few periods it gives me discomfort, pain, sometimes vomiting and colic. Remove the colic in my situation, do another operation is the case? What do you recommend is there a remedy to avoid any risks, avoid the operation of removing the colicyst? What advice can you give me? I am really demoralized, I spent a life of work and illness and still today only the thought of another operation … and then what to solve? Will it be worse? I await your advice, with great esteem I thank you in advance. Best regards Renata

Health Answers


Hello, I believe that we need to evaluate the possibility of complications related to the presence of the stone: infection (acute cholecystitis) obstruction due to displacement of the biliary tract. As for phytotherapy, care must be taken not to use remedies with a stimulating action on the gall bladder. (So I would pay attention to most of the hepatic drains ) . VB). Are liver function tests normal (transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin tot and fraction)? with regard


Loredana Tocalli
Dear Reader, your situation is certainly delicate but I would not say desperate, because today the gallbladder calculus operations are carried out, if the general and local situation allow it, in laparoscopic surgery, that is with a minimal intervention with two or three probes. that under guidance remove the entire gallbladder with calculations, without the demolition interventions that once took place. Having said that, with a good surgeon you will be able to evaluate your overall previous situation, heart in the first place, then I would recommend a good homohepatic preparation for the intervention that will be able to support you for the stress, the trauma and the various consequences of the intervention itself whatever it is. Cordiality Dr.ssa Loredana Tocalli Surgeon Homeopath Acupuncturist

alessandro forlivesi
Good evening Mr. Renata, if you have not yet solved your problem with gallbladder stones, if you contact me by phone, I can show you the remote natural treatments that I have been carrying out professionally for over 2 years. Very briefly, these are mental treatments for which his physical presence or other involvement is NOT necessary. The only condition is to “face” this type of treatment in the most positive way possible or at least in a neutral way (we are going to see what happens in the series) but NEVER in a pessimistic or negative way. The treatment has a maximum duration of 20 days. and my fee will be paid ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY IN CASE OF SUCCESS (here easily visible with a simple ultrasound) and the quantifiable amount is decided by the customer based also on his own possibilities. So the risk of “throwing” the money away with very particular and not very “visible” techniques is practically nil. If you think you want to deepen the subject you can either call me at 3478925674 or via e-mail bonnevie2014@libero.it You decide. Kind regards Alessandro from Lucca

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